If you wanna know which line of propaganda Russians will push next, before greenwald, Posobiec...

If you wanna know which line of propaganda Russians will push next, before greenwald, Posobiec, Michael Tracy and Ian miles cheong post it, they are your go to guys.

Tim kirby et Al(I.e kremlin shills) the infamous retards behind qanon are also behind this. Russbots are becoming so desperate they are employing a "whatever sticks" strategy.

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shut up faggot you dont know shit

Enlighten me Ivanite

>literal who
go back to pol, you stupid faggot

first off. american. secondly. kill yourself.

it was interesting to watch the Ruski shillbots fail so hard the first few days of Russia's vile invasion of Ukraine. Then they went back to the same sort of shit they usually do, and the racist content went up again.

But for the first few days of the invasion there was almost no BBC, no shemale stuff and none of the usual shitposting of Any Forums content here.

The Russian propagandist with most interactions currently on twitter along fab military. Whatever the grifter international posts they get it from them they are the e glish speaking source of kremlin propaganda. Lots of AstroTurfing their every post get more than 5k retweets even though they were practically unknown outside Any Forums and stormfront cycles 15 days ago

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That's why I said ivanite and not Ivan my dear 5th columnist nazi fuck

Stop giving them a platform, poltard.
God, you boomers can't even crop either, honestly you're all a fuckin aging cancer

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OK zoomie fuck did you remember to send money to your favourite twitch leftoid today?

White race doesn't age well

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every single elitist leftist faggot and institution in the world that hates me is currently frothing in rage at russia.
that is all i need to know to know that russia is the good guy.

Did you remember to update your Twitter profile to your 5 followers, boomer? Or are you too busy posting your super detective skills on a forum with gay porn?

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>all my hated neighbors are angry that a monkey put their yard on fire
>but that's okay, if they are angry that's a good thing
>even if it puts my yard on fire

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"Leftist" =/= Neo-Lib

I don't think you know what "Leftist" means

You mean Neo-Libs? They are "Right" wing

Hannity said on repeat that we should just bomb the Russian convoy

Graham has asked for Putin's assassination

Please get fucked you Jew

Or, hear me out, Russia did a great job to make it look that way.

There is no "good guy" here. It's all elites fucking normal people. "Choosing sides" to begin with makes you a retard.

What does any of this shit have to do with any of us? Literally nothing. It's a bunch of assholes playing Civilization and we just represent a population count to them.

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You are a fucking zoomie retard who doesn't even know that a good 80% of Russian propaganda is disseminated by channers. I suspect you don't even know who nin kouprianova is and how this he'll hole got I feasted by stormfront nazis such as yourself. At least your predecessors on here were conscious about what they were doing you just blindly follow whatever your circle jerk commands like umm.. Howdo you kids say it these days... An NPC

compare russia with the west for a moment:
faggots are constantly at risk for death or severe beating.
it's relatively racially homogenous.
it's decently faith to christianity.

on every level it is better off than basically every western-european nation.
why should russia be hated?

Correct however, NATO broke the 94 treaty like 10+ times sooooo


Russia continues to import immigrants for cheap labor, my "based" and redpilled 1000 iq, poltard.

it was an agreement

Because the US and western leadership realized people where waking up about the covid bullshit and needed a qualifier to fill the media with something else. Now that the US openly admitted that it has biolabs in the Ukraine its pretty obvious why they have a vested interest in "defending" the shithole.

>it's relatively racially homogenous.
have u been to russia u faggot, russia is full of immigrants

My dear kolya its too late for that. That pseudonazi psyop your leader is trying to pull with the Z in place of a swastika is never gonna work, fascism requires a grassroot element and years of street action,you can't just manufacture it top to bottom overnight . On its good days before the night of long knives the sa had more members than any union. Most of your compatriots are indifferent buffoons they treat this war as if King Frédéric decided to attack some feudal lord in Lithuania with a bunch of knights and nothing fazes them

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>nazi fuck
What an npc response, so you support Ukrainian nationalists? (Those are literally nazis btw)

>I'm a delusional hippie on an acid trip.

You could've just said that.

Same thing, doesn't matter how it was worded

NATO used cluster bombs on civilians in 2003 right before adding more countries in 2004

What should Russia do? just let NATO Jews act like they aren't criminals too?

Whole world is corrupt Jew Imperialists and people that suck their dick to keep the status quo going

>information and propaganda is disseminated by schizo poltards!
Okay and you are promoting and platforming their posts, my special boomer detective, I'm sure you complaining about it in a forum for porn addicts will fight the propaganda!

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Ivanite you are so far removed from reality and what's going on its not even funny, stick to hasanabi and elden ring plz

>how do I say I'm ignorant and retarded without saying I'm ignorant and retarded


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hey im not taking sides, for all i care let russia take ukraine and even more if it wants. i live next to russia and i wouldnt mind if some nukes dropped on eu too. life is boring


shut up :)

nice conspiracy theory

Because only Western propaganda allowed? It's okay when WE do it? Stfu you clown

The Ukraine has openly supported nationalist ideals since the 60s, even has an entire military division promoting it and sporting nazi symbols, but "ivanite" is the best you can do and some vidya jokes. You're a fomenting retard dude, go back to watching CNN and consume more while simultaneously ignoring history to fulfill your narrative. Where was this unnecessary response when Russia was stepping on Georgia's Door?

I'm with you mate. People are fucking retarded.

I'm not platforming anyone and anything I'm just trying to expose them to retards like you who lap up and gobble down heavy handed propaganda as if it were cum on your keyboards. Horseshoe theory is real and involves boomer and zoomer retards being susceptible to the most egregious bullshit they find online

Think you'll find it's yourself who's detached from reality. You partially blame the msm for misleading you, but that doesn't change the fact that you're an idiot

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>I don't read recent news information
Jesus man, just go touch grass already, you'd put your time to better use

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>Ukraine nationalist ideals since the 69s

Stop it just stop it Ivan hahahahaha the Ukraine in the 60s hahahahahaahahahahaha jy shit hahahahaahahahahaBBbBbbbBbababab hahahah

The Ukraine.... 60s nazi propaganda hahahahaahababababababababababa

Everyone is susceptible to propaganda, you aren't special kid, believing you are is called the "third person effect" which is also a theory since you think throwing theories around makes you smart.

I'm not the one going out of my way to find obscure grifters and schizo pol talking points, you absolute smoothbrain.
You are "exposing" literal nobodies to porn addicts. A waste of time.

What's your opinion on nina kouprianova my based kremlin friend?

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