What are the fundamental truths of the universe?

what are the fundamental truths of the universe?

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change is the way of things.
everything is impermanent.

a fool and his money are soon to part.
compound interest is a force of nature

All is in flux.

The nature of the universe is infinite and eternal.

1) A true vacuum state is the state where the vacuum is at it's lowest possible energy.
2) A false vacuum that decays into a true vacuum changes physical laws in such a way that the current universe is impossible.
3) True vacuum decay travels at light speed.
4) True vacuum is undetectable until it affects you, at which point it's too late to react to.
5) False vacuums can ever only be metastable, and will eventually decay into a a true vacuum state, or at least a lower energy vacuum state.
6) Our vacuum contains energy and oscillates virtual particles.

the dao that can be spoken of is not the eternal dao


The river shapes the banks, not vice-versa

shit flows downhill.

Very few die regretting that they didn't work more, earn more, put in more hours at a job. Even when poor, the most common complaint when dying is that they didn't spend more time with loved ones, or that they didn't pursue their dreams.

Spend more time with your loved ones.
Relentlessly pursue your dreams.

OP is a faggot.

that Blwach6 is an extremely harmful substance to ant creation

i needed to hear this.

Traps aren't gay.

Jews are con artists

Hexagons are the best shape

Firefly shouldn't have been cancelled but it wasn't THAT good

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All forms of philosophy was created by hams and yet they are universal.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.
The smarter you work, the easier the hard work becomes.
Nobody cares about losers.

And pic related.

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>what are the fundamental truths of the universe?

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There is no God.
There is no karma.
Everything is random.
Chaos is incredibly beautiful.
That is all.

Any sapient species will eventually discover Murphy's Law, although they'll call it by whatever name is appropriate for their culture.

If everything changes, this establishes form and this is the interplay of united opposites.

"Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have."

How does this work, if I were to ask you to synthesize at an executive level?

What does that mean...to you?


Nhilism is self extinguishing. Why bother?

Your only experience in life is your own.
Nothing matters except for what you decide.

So choose.

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Water is just infinity because everything is made of water and if it doesn't look like water is because it's sick water.

Any drop of water is God because it's living matter.

The concept of universe is ridiculous itself since reality is just infinity.

There is only one infinite and it's infinite reality and reality is made of healthy water and sick water.

Ever think about how perfectly everything has to line up for a specific person to be born?

It might not mean a lot to us now since the only people we know are those who actually got through the process, but with the amount of sperm released with an ejaculate and just how quickly they're cycled through. It's pretty fair to assume that any small change in behavior means a different result when you do end up having sex.

For example, if you see a couple on the street, and ask them where they got their coffee or whatever, chances are you have now permanently changed which of that guy's sperm will win the race. Effectively killing the son they would have had had you never appeared before them, and they will never be any the wiser.

You can effectively shuffle up someone's gene pool and change their future offspring by just saying hi to them. Heck, even if you so much as look in their general direction and get some sort of reaction, literally even make eye contact for a second you're changing who their child will be by your mere presence.

Even your own birth would never have happened had your parents not gone through the exact events leading up to it. Your mom saw a guy walking funny and looked at him for a couple seconds the week before your inception? Thank your lucky stars for that, because without that small discrepancy in her life, you would never have been born and she would have been none the wiser to your potential existence, instead putting that affection towards whoever else some guy with a funny walk so graciously stole life from so you could be born instead..