Should I take up smoking cigarettes? I love coffee. What are the possible benefits? I'm going to die anyway

Should I take up smoking cigarettes? I love coffee. What are the possible benefits? I'm going to die anyway.

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You begin to smell like shit and get into coughing fits a lot. It also makes your tongue have a weird burning sensation that can't stop no matter what you do. Just smoke weed lmfao

Don't smoke unless you can regulate how much and how often you smoke. I used to smoke a pack a week, but the affects on my lungs were noticeable and somewhat painful after a month of heavy smoking. Now, I normally smoke maybe 3 cigs a week at most, usually after a long shift or at a party with my art school friends. I wouldn't recommend smoking unless you treat it like a circumstantial vice like alcohol after a long day at work.

But if you're gonna smoke, take up either Dunhill Blues (my favorite amongst imports) or Camel Turkish Silvers (my favorite domestic brand)

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Smoking is a prophylactic
Nicotine is a cognitive enhancer
Plus it's cool


I mean as long as you don't go pack a day, you should be completely fucked. Maybe pack a week max. American Spirits are good.

Typo, As long as you don't smoke a pack a day, you should'NT be completely fucked. Thank you for your understanding.

cigarettes make you smell and taste like an ashtray, and are nowadays associated with the poor/ trashy crowd. Also, they make you die sooner for no reason, and make things shittier for a long while before you die - think being out of breath after just going up a flight of stairs.

but they will make your voice lower and raspier, so that probably will make you feel more like a man. I know you struggle with that, don't you OP.

Started when I was 13. 24 now. I stopped smoking regular cigarettes, and now vape instead, less coughing, and I don't smell like an ashtray all the time. I wish I never smoked but well now I'm just addicted and don't want to quit. Don't do it OP although you are clearly a faggot don't pick up smoking.

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>excuse to give yourself a five minute break a few times a day
>some people still think it looks cool

>expensive as shit unless you live in a third world country
>you and everything you own will smell like ass
>literally every organ system in your body will function less effectively
>sucks ass during winter since most places won't let you smoke indoors
>if you decide to quit, it's really fucking hard

Coffee and cigarettes is the greatest combination ever

The number one benefit absolutely has to be throwing away five to 30 dollars every day for the rest of your life.

I would say avoid smoking cigarettes and get a low smoke high nicotine vape setup. Get the bonus of nicotine without the shitty smell or cost. You do cigars on weekends or like me, a cigarette here and there.

Nah it’s not worth it. You end up in this cycle.
>get stressed cos need cigarette
>smoke cigarette to relieve stress
>get stressed again an hour later
Dumbest addiction ever

>Nicotine is a cognitive enhancer
started vaping this shit and gave me headaches, even really low concentrations
next 3 days i had hard mind fog
never again

>mind fog from vape
What a pussy imagine being this sober

On my way to buy a pack now.
I tattoo so I always have a smoke before I get started. It gets me hyper focused before I begin and gauge the skin. A huge plus.

The downsides is your lungs are VERY important man and you’re basically fucking up the small little sacks in them with every inhale. You’ll notice you get winded quicker in Cardio and will cough up a storm after the treadmill.

You also converse with peers a lot better too. It eliminates social anxiety for me personally. Especially with a cold beer.

It’s an extremely addictive vice that the industry mastered those addictive codependent chemical compounds. It’s also good to have one as soon as you wake up. It honestly feels like youre hitting an ignition switch in your brain. You drop weight too if you smoke a lot. Thing is remember to stretch frequently!! Exercise too! A lot of fat americans fail to realize this and end up with blood clots due to the lack of movement.

If this helped in anyway, buy a pack or camel blues to get you started. An absolute banger and my go to.

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Pros of smoking: You look cool, nicotine gives a buzz, you can use smoke breaks/go into smoking only areas.

Cons of smoking: Cancer, various diseases effecting the heart, blood pressure, etc. You smell like shit, smoking can render you "Nose-blind", smoking is expensive, and unless you get lucky with your genetics to smoke long into elderly age and not get cancer or any other smoking-related illnesses, you're more likely to die earlier overall.

The choice is yours, dickhead

Kek gotta be healthy

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Nicotine only gives you a buzz initially. Once your body gets used to it you don't get a buzz anymore.

There are no benefits. do not start.

Just vape

I've smoked for over 2 decades now and have none of these things happen. Sounds like you might be retarded.
I'll never understand how people are addicted to cigarettes like yeah they're nice and all but it's so annoying when for example a friend is out and they bitch and whine about it. Idk don't take up smoking if youre a weak lil bitch like that

They make your penis bigger

>A lot of fat americans fail to realize this and end up with blood clots due to the lack of movement.
Oh fuck this is me damnit

>nicotine addiction

Advice spit on then discarded

Hope you enjoy chest infections and coughing up pints of lung butter.

>I've smoked for over 2 decades now
>I'll never understand how people are addicted to cigarettes

You shouldn't smoke because you could die a slow agonizing death instead of a quick one. Ever see someone with emphysema or throat cancer?

Lies. They make your penis shrink and your testicles swell

It's just going to make you have a hard time breathing and smell bad, and make you irritable when you don't have any. There's no real benefit to them other than a dying sect of the country that still thinks it looks cool.