Name a reliable conservative news company or social media platform

Name a reliable conservative news company or social media platform.

You are now aware that Democrats control all social media and news companies.

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i hope you're just pretending to be retarded, otherwise you should kys asap

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Breaking Points


Until you learn to spell, I'm not listening to another fucking word that emanates from your fucking keyboard, you Kansas hillbilly buck-toothed fuck lmao

Name a reliable conservative news company or social media platform.
You are now aware that Republicans want to be lied to.

nice mental gymnastics

Conservative media is not reliable, though. That's what *makes* it conservative, the falsehoods, strawmen, and deeply flawed exaggerations

There was something like two hundred different media companies before Bill Clinton's 1996 Telecommunications act. No conspiracy though.

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All media is inherently liberal

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Except the other side has been caught lieing, multiple times. While conservative news stays fairly factual, at most twists words to fit a narrative but staying in the realm of facts.

Russian state TV

America Uncovered
China Uncensored
China Insider
Memology 101
and the fucking memes

Name a reliable democrat one. All media is biased they skew facts to reaffirm beliefs. It should be who what when where why and how. Media is nothing more than an echo chamber now.

lol no. quads of lies

All media at heart is liberal

>All media at heart is jewish

Oh I’m slow, yes sorry. I see what you were getting at

If you can still watch any TV, movies, sports... without becoming physically ill within moments, you are brainwashed by it.

>he pressed the wrong button on keyboard so the tribesfolk stopped possessing the media
if you wanna keep your head in sand, please go on but dont complain when you get your ass fucked