girl i like

> girl i like
> cute
> actually funny
> she’s kinda fat
> not like other black girls. shes isn’t a triggered sjw or loud ghetto, black dick loving, baby mama.
> me, im a skinny white neck beard lol
> i could post more pics

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>> not like other black girls
it always comes out

not her lol

white washed black woman are an exceptional choice op, I wish you the best in your endeavors for happiness

post more pics

appreciate it user

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Obligated posted nigger? You spoiled the mood... When I watch in this face...disgusting.

Make sure you impregnate her. The best way to improve race relations between whites and blacks is for more white men to start building families with black women.

dude i don’t even know what you just said

Bro You are a white boy on Any Forums, you like her but you post her pic on this website without her knowing. Than you proceed to say some dumb shit about she not like the other black girls. Are you fucking retarded or what? What make you think she wants something with you when you are a creep on the low? To be more specifically you are a white neck beard creep on the low talking about a behaviour that happens in every race. Go talk to her and see if she digs you instead of creeping on the net with her pics you racist gaylord. What you gone do if she doesnt feel you? You gonna post more pics and call out black people like a dumbass. People like you are pathetic for real lol. Go shoot your shot retard and stop posting her pic to begin with in case she find out fucking dumass

I bet she mixes well. Nice lips, fertility godess body no doubt. Plant your seed and become a man

> What make you think she wants something with you when you are a creep on the low?
I do this because white oppressor. I want back in those time, when was slavery - she would follow my orders. Unconditionally.

Show her titts

No your a creep thats what you are. Posting pics of other people like its normal when you can just tell the storie. Yall white people are disgusting and the weakest people on this earth. Also you people have no culture. The only thing yal do is these type of shit

And yet I'am Russian. Toлькo тихo - этo бyдeт нaшим ceкpeтoм.

Russian are white people on crack x10. fuck of idiot lmao

Shut the fuck up you larping baiter
You'll never be black

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but I not sure what happened. you talked about a women but you rpobably sent the wrong pic. I only see a monkey on my screen.

Black monkey, when will you return to Africa? Need back to Motherland...

>not like other black girls
most black girls aren't actually like how racist stereotypes present them

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Wtf are you smoking i am black you retard lmao. just telling you to stop being a creep because that shit is retarded and why would you post a pic of a girl you like. Thats what im trying to tell you you homo

you can't even write proper English you stupid motherfucker

>Wtf are you smoking i am black you retard lmao. just telling you to stop being a creep because that shit is retarded and why would you post a pic of a girl you like. Thats what im trying to tell you you homo

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Go fuck yourself you gaylord

You dont have to believe me. Atleast im not a creep thats the worst thing you can be to a girl you dumbass