Got permanently banned from Planet Fitness yesterday. Ask me anything

Got permanently banned from Planet Fitness yesterday. Ask me anything

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Is planet fitness as awful as everyone makes it out to be?

What's the weather today in all 50 states in the US?

Let's say I would like to get banned from a Planet Fitness yesterday. How would I go about it?

The he'll dis you do?


If you only ever go there and no other gym, no. If you ever step foot in an actual gym with actual quality equipment, no lunk alarm, no free pizza and candy up front or a bunch of fat people working there, yes. Planet Fitness is the worst place to go for fitness.

I went with my fat cousin. He was trying to get in shape so I figured I get a workout in plus he asked me to come. I slammed the weights on the rack after squats but I had to because I went to heavy. The fat worker came up to me and just blurted out "knock it off".
I just gave him a look then kept going. I'll admit the next set I slammed it on spite. Then he came over with another worker who was a bulldyke and told me to stop banging the equipment around or I'm gone. I just told him nice soy gut fag. They were both shocked because I kept saying it eveytime they tried to talk.
I called the lesbo an oversized gerbil at which point he was pulling out his phone. I guess to call the cops or something. She told me "I think you should go"
Then the dude said he has me on camera and I'm not allowed back.
I just waited in the car for my cousin for about a half hour.

Well done. Sounds like you’re a jerk.

Did something wrong, got called out, doubled down on jerkiness.

How is it being a jerk

How is it being a jerk he asks

/things that really happened

‘Went to heavy’ (too?) so slammed the weights down. Could have explained and apologised. But, no. Slammed them down again out of spite. Jerk move. You got your limits wrong, then took it out on someone else.

Then, despite being there to help your ‘fat cousin’, mocked someone else’s gut. Bet your cousin felt 10 feet tall…

Jerk. And you know it.

you're a faggot

What, how? How tf you get thrown outta gym?

He was literally on the other other side of the gym on a treadmill. I was by the weights. He didn't hear me so nice try

Cool. Is that your defence? Do you think that makes you ‘not a jerk’?

If a jerk is a jerk in the woods and his cousin doesn't hear him.
Is he really a jerk?

Let's just pretend I'm a nice person. Fat people should not be acting like hard asses when they automatically show you that they have zero self control by default. They deserve to be put in their place. I don't give a fuck if it was his job. It was uncalled for to use those words.

How much cock have you pleasured?

>They deserve to be put in their place
Bully personality type detected.
Lemme guess, everyone else are asking too much when they want you to be polite to them, but you specifically should be cut some slack, because you are unwilling to be less brusque and insultingly honest.

Sure. We can pretend you’re a nice person. We can pretend you know how to behave in a gym. We can pretend you know how much you can lift, and how to safely push yourself.

All of these things are manifestly untrue, however…

Dilate tranny

Found the fatty.

>eats like a pig
>gets called out for it
>I'm the one in the wrong
Can't make this shit up