Why don't we have minority report-style gesture control yet?

Why don't we have minority report-style gesture control yet?

Nowadays everything has a front-facing camera, add another one for debth perception and apply deep learning ai.

Attached: 1_fKAmilYMVkukqyMdeDssuQ.jpg (1200x800, 126.63K)

Are we having nostalgia for 2013 now?

Attached: MkHSt.png (539x859, 27.8K)

We do, retard.

because a keyboard and mouse is quicker, easier, and more efficient for literally any task you would possible need to do on a computer.

Because it would fucking suck

Good morning sir,
I'm a Python cuck and a poojeet.

There was a time when touchscreens sucked massively too, but the tech switched from resistive to capacitive and now they're awesome.

Good morning sir.

not as widespread and commercially available as I and OP would like it to be.

no. the voice control functionality is the best yet. then comes the touch screen functionality.
but gesture control will eventually be even better than anything applied yet.

no, it wouldn't.

t. not OP

>no, it wouldn't
yes, it would

if applied properly, say gesture 3.0 and later, it would be revolutionary.

Oculus Quest works like that tho. You use only your hands and gestures to navigate the UI

Imagine scrolling with your eyes. You look at the scrolling dot on the screen, then left-right to swipe back and forth. How cool would that be?

Too bad VR helmets are so impractical. If your gadget is not similar to a book or painting in form factor it won't be used.

>with your eyes
too flimsy.
better to just finger-swipe-in-the-air.

It probably needs apple to pull such a thing off properly. Other companies are too risk-averse when it comes to introducing new technology.

>Xbros predicted Hololens

I am a strong VR supporter/adopter, but this cannot be ignored.
If the ergonomics problem isn't solved, that's going to be a turn-off for a lot of people wither it be from the start or in the long run

That sounds like it would fucking suck


Or any small single-product-focussed company. Thinking some big company needs to introduce something is cucked behaviour, anyone can make it and anyone can introduce it.

Imagine the muscles you would have from flailing your arms all day long