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They already have. Due to modern western culture, the number of men raised exclusively by women are now the majority. This is why younger men can't man good right now. TYhey were not raised how ho. They were raised to behave in the way a mother believes is correct.

And so, we have men who don't know how to man. Don't know how to date, don't know how to provide. Not that there are any women worth providing for anymore, either.

It's a society of Dumb and dumber, men and women

You either control the cunts or the cunts will try to control you. There is no middle ground. Our ancestors weren't dumbfucks. We are.

Please do, that way guys like me who are +6' with 130+iq and the ability to bench press our own body weight get to be even more unreachable to the retarded manlets out there.

On a serious note, good God am I glad escaped school and college before this bullshit sjw horse shit cancer took over.

>white feminism
bitter negro terminology

It doesn't work like that, Mr. 130+. Your life will be made unbearable in order to promote weakness.

They clearly were dumbfucks, since they allowed being controlled by dicks.

Women literally don't understand the strength and intelligence it takes to keep the world functioning.

Men already do a perfect job normalising that.

Harrison Bergeron

Right, and that's why we must keep women weak and dumb… huh?

Jesus Christ Any Forums, CHECK DUBS

Also, based.

Yeah that ain't happening chief. I'm in a more than comfortable place now, and well past the age of not being able to hide intentions. Since my kids are homeschooled and I actually pay attention to the media and content they consume as well I can rest assured that no amount of communist or Chinese niggerdom gets to them. I can just steadily keep reinforcing proper values so they too can be happy in life.

Ernest Borgnine

Good one. I watched the movie:

Slightly related: betrization.

they're called "trans"


The collective female population is not smart or strong enough to do what needs to be done.
It's just biology.
Sure you could selectively breed to try to create better women, but chances are you'd just create even more better men in the process.


this feeling

>Due to Jewish influence in modern western culture,


Was this written by an incel?
Either way, the angry response is a larp, if women all decided they wanted to fuck weak dorks because of this one article then it would greatly benefit Any Forumstards.

women like tall white boys when theyre young. once they are ready to settle down they get a short chubby balding white man who makes decent money.

i'm neither of those things, i'm fucked. i'm not ugly enough to be the guy they settle with later on and not hot enought to be a chad