Why is it so hard to quit smoking weed? I’m 24 and I’ve been smoking since 15/16...

Why is it so hard to quit smoking weed? I’m 24 and I’ve been smoking since 15/16 , at the beginning my usage was limited and uncommon, I didn’t effect me in a bad way, but then as I grew up it became a habit / addiction .
Now Im 24 I don’t study and I don’t work, i want to turn my life around and be actually able to achieve something (either go to college or go work) , but all I end up doing in my routine is roll a joint and smoke , how can I kick off this horrible habit and start doing something useful for my life?

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quit being a pussy and do it

You can start by just not buying more? You're enabling yourself.

1)realize smoking is RUINING your life
2)stop RUINING it and start IMPROVING it
3)become a god

It's hard at first, enjoyable at last.

Yeah, you’re totally right, I should stop putting myself in the situation where I could end up smoking .

I've been smoking for 15 years and I managed to work consistently, live out of home since I was 16 (got caught with 4 ounces) have long term girlfriends who were also stoners, go party on campus, move from london to sydney, go on holidays, teach myself how to drive and ride a car and a motorcycle

I'm some 26 year old aspergeric stoner bartender. I go to work blitzed. erryday and you make me seem like a fuckin adult with my shit together

god damn you suck, and it isn't the weed that's the problem lmao,

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i guarantee you look like a retard at work junkie faggot, i hope the only person left in your life dies tonight

All of my peers are big ass stoners much more than me and they’re all finishing college and getting their degree , so also think you must be right , the problem is me, not the weed
However I’m pretty sure that in my situation weed is fueling my procrastination in a bad way too

I'm autistic, I look retarded without the weed

also half my coworkers are stoned so no one really gives a shit

I just make sure the gambling addicts get their jack & cokes and everyone's kosher

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you're exactly right, it's a crutch that you use to distract yourself but it's not the reason you're fucking up. Your mentality, overall habits, diet and lifestyle will determine your success

god luck bruvva, put don't the bong for a while but don't demonise it. It's great, you just gotta have some ambition and control over your life.

little things everyday

Because you're still young so it's still getting your dopamine pumping every time and you're having a good time.

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Weed has no physical dependence all mental.

>Because you're still young so it's still getting your dopamine pumping every time and you're having a good time.
Big myth buddy. Dopamine does not cause pleasure, it hasn't been believed to do that for a long time.

I’ve been told that due to my adolescence use my reward pathways are all fucked up and probably won’t ever recover even if I abstain from using at all, how true can this be?
(Also it doesn’t really matter cuz I’ve had a past with hard drugs so if weed didn’t fuck me up the other stuff did lol)
But still leaves me wondering ….

Everything is relative, those reward pathways are hardwired when you're young, but can be manipulated and/or made worse as you get older.

I smoked Camel lights for 13 years, quit everything cold turkey for 3 years, then fucked up and started smoking black n mild nigger sticks. I smoke like 3-4 packs of them a day and have been for the past 10 years. Literally quit cold turkey the day before yesterday and except for the occasional strong pang for one I'm doing ok right now. I expect it's going to take at least two weeks to stop having weird dreams and constant urges to smoke, but I've done it before so it's I know it isn't impossible and that lets me ride out those urges until they go away. Eventually I'll get more used to not smoking than smoking and my habits and superficial addiction will change with that. The addiction is always there trying to talk you into smoking another one, but once you're used to ignoring it you get better at ignoring it.
Weed isn't nearly as addictive, but it can still be addictive. Be stoic in the face of it, you'll see how plastic the human mind really is.

Just started taking anti depressants, been on them a week. Haven’t wanted a joint all week, my last one was the night before picking up the pills. I’ve always been anti big pharma but I don’t regret my choice now. Similar situation to you too, started at 14 and I’m 25. No fucked up dreams anymore either

put all of the weed and your grinder and your ashtray in a drawer. do not touch it for a month.
literally just do it. now. today. it's not hard. you won't sleep well or at all for one night but just fucking do it.

because weed is good for you, why would you stop doing it

One night? Do you even smoke bro?

Agreed. I've acomplished a lot with a weed habit. I've even given presentations high. Once you develop a tolerance it just chills you out.

i smoked about a quarter oz a week, or two joints a day. NEVER at work, always after. i'm not a retard and never was. now im down to 1 gram a week or less. self-control.