I don't code but I write down a lot of notes and copy paste things for later all the time...

I don't code but I write down a lot of notes and copy paste things for later all the time. Should I replace Notepad++ with Vim? Or is it only for coding or note taking?

Attached: 1_ro1QoXvKwQjgl0WCq5KZEQ.png (650x650, 40.43K)

Become an emac chad and use org-mode for note taking

vimwiki is a plugin that lets you link between documents extremely easily. It's like Obsidian (the note taker) but is FOSS

Vim for note taking is lack luster in my opinion. There are a lot of features missing like spell check unless you're willing to devote a large amount of time to it.

>devote a large amount of time to it.
>:set spell!

>oh a typo
>let me press z=
>now let me choose from a list
>now let me repeat 100 times
vim isn't for notes

use obsidian for notes

if you want to try modal editing, of course. If you don't, no.

Emacs and (Neo)Vim are tools, if the tool doesn't work for you, don't waste your time. Life is short.

I used Vim, then Emacs and then Neovim. It's ok for what it does.

just use emacs, comes with an on-the-fly spell checking mode and org let's you export to pdf, html, odt, etc.

I use vim for everything but I don't think you should switch just for note taking

How many typos do you make? How is z= 1 enter more work than in other editors?

learn a little regex

emacs org-mode and evil mode

This. So much this.

vim is for modal editing
it's either gonna click or it won't

I use vim mostly for note taking. It's not really designed for it but with plugins it's pretty good. It's worth learning for its own sake imo. Once you get a feel for it you'll never go back.

It's not. The vim spellcheck is good and the keybinds work way better than right clicking and selecting from a dropdown.

Love vim.

Its a cult though, its an extremely deep rabbit hole, and everything is designed for the vim cultists and not always an easy introduction. I use it for everything from scripting to conf editing to writing. I'd write this post in vim if I could be bothered to create a curl script to POST to Any Forums and pipe vim buffers to it. It can be done though.

Its mired in ancient UNIX graybeard culture though, if extending with scripts, reading the manual to make your .vimrc doesn't sound like normal computer usage to you, or you dont know what %s/\. /\. /g does or it just hurts your head to look at, dont bother.

For copy and pasting stuff you can use literally anything, if you dont write, dont program, dont manage configurations, what do you need anything more for? Also what do you use a computer for and how did you even find out about vim and why are you on Any Forums?

If still curious do the vim tutor, its built in and will teach you the basics.

Attached: sailor.jpg (640x480, 40.6K)

also there's vim people in here so someone will call me retard,
%s/\. \{1}/\. /g

this, i have random scratch pads opened all the time in N++ it was a blessing to be able to group them into more logical order instead of tabbing through a million n++ tabs.

>There are a lot of features missing like spell check
pretty sure you can spell check with ^xs in the same way you can use ^n and ^p with ctags for autocomplete

you don't need any plugins or anything

I take a lot of notes with vimwiki, being able to link between files makes text notes much easier to work with
if you set it up to use markdown it has some nice QOL features like rendering links and text formatting within vim
if you needed to write equations or something you could write latex