Abolish income tax

abolish income tax
reform copyright to max 20 years with no renewals
lower the age of consent to 14
abolish high school
reform the curriculum to only include practical real life skills and knowledge
make water free

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>abolish income tax
Okay hitler

Abolish yourself

>Abolish highschool
Oh so you want to make more Republican voters. I see

no, this shit is just a waste of time

>Hitler wanted to abolish the income tax!

you still in highschool? I'm sensing the bias of a moody teen, I felt like highschool was one of the only times new information was actually added

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no and no
i still remember what school was like and its mostly a gigantic waste of time

hail to the big brain user, but proper high school is fucking necessary

defund art and philosophy schools
Mandatory biannual IQ test and-based on its score- assign relative weight to each political vote

You didn't have many friends, did you

>Free Water
Face the wall commie scum.

I would change the details a bit but it certainly sounds better than what we have now.

still dont, not an argument, school as it is, is just a waste of time just hurry up and call me an incel faggot
well then what we have sure as fuck isnt proper, our educational system is based on a slave tier model from the 90s meant to pump out obedient brainlets, nothing that i learned in fucking school beyond basic math is of any use to me
>b-but language classes
ok cool, you learn that in elementary so why the redundancy in middle school and highschool?

we get taxes trough the ass and out the nose for virtually every conceivable thing in this society
i believe something as basic as water should be free
that doesnt make me a commie

i really need water please just let me have it for free

no, all of it is mine. you can't have any

high school needs:
>high level coding from grade 1, coordinated with math lessons
>electronics classes
>economics classes
>mandatory high level mandarin and spanish classes
>annual mandatory training update and exams for professors

guess i have to take it then

go drink a puddle, plebian

The Tax Poem

Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table at which he's fed.

Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule.

Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts anyway!

Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think.

Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries tax his tears.

Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways to tax his ass.

Tax all he has, Then let him know, That you won't be done till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers, Then tax him some more, Tax him till he's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he's laid.

Put these words Upon his tomb, 'Taxes drove me to my doom...'

When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply the inheritance tax.

this is bullshit and water should be free

>abolish income tax
Replace it with a carbon tax so the government can still fund itself without screwing over working people, plus incentivizing business to adopt clean tech for tax breaks.
>reform copyright to max 20 years with no renewals
Based, would have rescued Star Wars from Disney hell
>lower the age of consent to 14
Cringe. Just reduce the penalties for anyone under the age of 24 as long as there is parental consent.
>abolish high school
Reform high school: sort students by aptitude, so students without higher aspirations can take classes in skilled labor and graduate ready to start their trade while more intellectually inclined students get sent to advanced placement. ALL students should take art, literature, civics, and history because these teach creative and social intelligence. Bring back Home economics
>reform the curriculum to only include practical real life skills and knowledge
STEM fields are already oversaturated. Better to teach people how to think out of the box about their careers instead of encouraging them to become some soulless unfeeling cog in a vast bureaucracy.
>make water free
How do you do that? Nationalized bottled water companies? Force public utilities to operate at a loss? How would you fund them without an income tax?

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Imagine sniffing this girls feet

I would vote for this man.

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