Can I use this to learn to code? Or am I better off reading books?

Can I use this to learn to code? Or am I better off reading books?

Attached: codecademy.jpg (474x266, 10.8K)


ok thank you
mods get rid of the thread tysm xoxo

yes you can use that or any other "course" or whatever to learn 0.0000005% of what programming is. the rest is on you to figure it out

Start with the basics first (pic related, all vol)

Attached: knuth.jpg (400x344, 13.55K)

you are unironically best off latching onto a good friend who is a programmer and ask them to teach you. if they love programming and are thus actually decent at it, they will relish the opportunity to put together some teaching materials for you. i keep waiting for a single one of my friends to ask how i'm so good at programming shit but none of them do, even the programmers because they're those 9-to-5 types that don't give a shit about being good at their vocation

>but i don't have any programmer friends
well shit dawg its autodidactism time for u bud. maybe join a discord with smart people though, like a game dev discord

also if you're anything liek me, books won't help you at all and actually practicing with stupid shit like "let me tinker with variables in this code i stole" and "let me try to put together a shitty version of djikstra" helped me learn the most. programming is an incredibly vast subject matter, and you will never truly "master" it because there's always more shit you won't know, so just be happy whenever you successfully make a baby step and learn something new.

and what to i use to figure the rest out?
>but i don't have any programmer friends
so imagine i'm your friend and i've asked you where to start, what would you put together for me?
thanks for the advice

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I wish I had your spirit and your endurance to chow through internet blogs, github shit, stackoverflow shit, bad documentation, a lot of trial and error to piece together knowledge, one day you’ll probably appreciate the conciseness and focus of a good programming book, there’s a reason programmers look down on internet self-taught ones, respect yourself by not doing this nigger pajeet tier brute force attempt at programming

Be it books, videos, or interactive courses its all the same generally, just differs with user preference. All that really matters is you start and keep with it. This applies to any skill really.

>so imagine i'm your friend and i've asked you where to start, what would you put together for me?
i'd probably put you through similar materials as i went through in school, so basic introduction to how code executes, variables, arithmetic, functions, and the other basic building blocks you need to understand everything else. after that i'd probably put you through some small practical learning projects so you'd understand what the point of it all was. my school kinda fucked up by making us learning C and memory management when we didn't even know what the practical applications of programming were at that point

anyway after the basics and once you've taught yourself how to learn more, it becomes a long, long haul of always finding new shit to learn, new approaches/paradigms to test (which are almost all shit, but you need to find out why), and convincing your employers that you know everything when in real life you would need to approach all issues with the assumption that you know nothing

i test the stuff i learn against my existing knowledge and actual practical testing, and i tend to ask for feedback for my stuff whenever possible, so idk if i would say i'm a pajeet tier programmer

>books won't help you at all
That's why you read them and then solve problems. Imagine learning math without solving problems.

>tell joblets to "learn to code"
>they do it
>"programmers look down on internet self-taught ones"

you don't need to take that comment so seriously, i just loathe books because i'm a hyperactive child who can't really follow a linear, arbitrary line of reasoning and instead i need to sate my curiosity whenever it arises, and i need to build an abstraction out of practical knowledge. i guess i shouldn't assume everyone is like this though

>there’s a reason programmers look down on internet self-taught ones,
The only place I see self-taught programmers looked down upon is on Any Forums, where no one has the skill to do anything beyond a fucking FizzBuzz. In reality, self-teaching is a prerequisite to programming skill. That's not to say it's the only thing you need -- supplementing with a formal education can be very helpful. But if you aren't tinkering and building crap, reading random blogs and learning how other people approach problems, you aren't going to have a very well-rounded education, and you'll get totally fucked when you need to build something new.

i feel like if you ask programmers about some obscure programming shit they don't really know about, total newbies will say "never heard of it", more experienced programmers will try to bullshit and say they understand it, and the real veterans will admit they don't know it well. maybe i'm just coping though

thanks for the advice, but do you have any books etc or is it just a case of google searching every individual thing i don't know about yet

are these actually worth reading? seems like it's just a ton of algorithms

OP, listen to this user.

totally worth it. gold of information in those books

what language is it in?