I haven’t been happy for 4 years

I haven’t been happy for 4 years.
Should I start a cult?

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Sounds like fun

what are your rules?

Scare people, invoke paranoia, that seems to resemble happiness

Shitty city, but I’m not gonna move there to start a cult.

Who would join your cult? You're crying about being sad on Any Forums, probably few friends, and dull as fuck. If you can't make friends, no one would want to join your dumbass playgroup. Fix yourself first, faggot.

Kill yourselves.

I got to the point where it’s no longer getting worse, but therapy also stopped working. I need purpose. Target members would be depressed people and use the doctrine I make to give them unethical therapy

sounds kinda gay

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Your window to tell me to do such was a month ago

I don’t wanna summon Chtulu, it’s funnier to cult pill depressed PoS into living better

Ask yourself why you aren't happy and do what needs to be done to make yourself happy. Are you stuck in the same place day after day? Change your routine. If you keep everything the same then nothing will change.

Need purpose.

This place is sickening and so are you.

No /mlp/ is sickening

So plan is, make a culty poetry club And recruit people with anxiety disorders?

The computer screen isn't a medieval machicolation you god damned idiot. It is supposed to act a visual means of transmitting human communication. Hopefully, valuable information and a good musical playlist, in video format, along with an adequate and relevant cinematography list.

I am sure that with such a mentality, you are highly likely to belief that your hard disk is an armory. Rahter than the dumpster of a life that it actually is. The the keys on the keyboards are neglible, rather than a virtual machine accesory extending through and back to the controllers of the video game consoles. Whiles, yes indeed your are not supposed to bombard your fellow community members while enacting the role of a team member. Through any reason. Idiots. You are not supposed to lash at apparent defects and reward apparent merit when your personal judgement is awful and a legitimate human tragedy as you intend to ignore that everyone around you isn't as well nearing the point of shamelessly verbally assaulting everyone nearby in the digital vicinity or pretending to reward everyone while expecting their own.

Support your own team members. Idiots. That and only that. That is how you get a highscore. Morons.

A power chord is also not "messy". It is electrically conductive. Imbeciles. An Usb drive isn't "small". It is electro-magnetically senstiive. Imbeciles. And a laptop case isn't "armour", it is inherited from the telivision device layout being combined with the type-writer.

Were you not the lowly neantherthals that you are, you'd realize that you can nowaadays but laser powered keyboards for 50 dollars. Whether you like it or not, it is not only cheap but proof that it isn't "armour".

Don't pretend like you are "too good" for a laser powered keyboards. Not now. It means that you fell behind the times and have no intend to quit subduing people, insulting people, berating, denigrating and ignoring.

Neantherthals armed with torches.

Fucking. Absurd.

Ooh sounds fun joining a cult where the leader lacks any charisma and just mopes on anonymous imageboards. Sign me up!

What are you doing to find purpose? The funny thing about cults is that they require everyone to be working towards a common purpose. If you yourself don't present as having a purpose.. what makes you think that people will follow you? No, to find purpose you have to become that purpose. You are the goal. Put effort into what makes you both happy now and happy after the (hard) work is done.

No I have quite good charisma, but I don’t have a plan other than prey on the vulnerable

It's all pathic just like this thread.

Hey this is also me I just wanted to add that I fuck cats. I mean, still read all that stuff I wrote but I just wanted to also add that I fuck cats at the end I just forgot to type it.

Motherfucker, you're the vulnerable one.

Yeah, guess it would be a blonde leads the blind scenario.

>Why are you say this

Oooo, a playground bully! Wow, so did your dad beat you before or after he made you suck his dick?

Thanks for letting us know. What size cats are we talking? Have any stories? Anything is better than this lame ass thread topic.

At least I’m not trying to start a sex cult like a retard who base never heard of stds


>Yeah, guess it would be a blonde leads the blind scenario.
>blond leads the blind
Yeah, fucking blond people always leading blind people into bad situations.