Why do self-proclaimed "anarchists" in the US call the people demanding less government "fascists?"

Why do self-proclaimed "anarchists" in the US call the people demanding less government "fascists?"

Do they not realize that things like healthcare, hate-speech laws, gun control and vax mandates amount to more government?

I've literally met people that said to me "i'm more of an Anarchist" then proceeded to lecture me on how we need more regulations.

They claim to be "free thinkers" but then they projectile-vomit mainstream talking points from every corner of media / entertainment.

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They think they’re anti establishment because they champion egalitarianism but fail to see how their ambitions always require some sort of enforcement

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Anyone who champions the idea of "equal rights under the law" is by definition pro-government. True Anarchists would have more of a "survival of the fittest" stance on the matter.

I read this quote "All anarchists wish to sit upon the throne, and all kings are anarchists that got their wish."

So deep

> All anarchists wish to sit upon the throne, and all kings are anarchists that got their wish

Sounds based sign me up

>Why do self-proclaimed "anarchists" in the US call the people demanding less government "fascists?"
They don't.

half the population is below average intelligence.

user. Leftatds don't think. They just few random shit like a console app on steroids. I learnt a long time ago to just ignore them and change the subject when they bring up politics

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I've definitely met a handful of self-proclaimed anarchists fighting for things like healthcare and corporate regulations. We've also witnessed antifa fags waving around anarchy flags and calling their opposition "fascist" for years

Yeah, America has a real problem with their youth seeking validation and acceptance at any cost. Free thinkers and outlaws of society are generally viewed as a favorable position for people.
People see the image of the renegade anti-hero on screen and think they can imitate it. The reality is much like sex and the incredible awkwardness that comes the first time.
The problem is that they are 5-6 foot piles of shit stacked high, they want to be these cool rebels but they don't have the brain or conviction to stand up for something that they believe in.

You can see it now in all these people that are like "Defend Ukraine" when 90% of them can't even point it out on a map. They are celeb cause type of individuals, Once the next fad is in and this becomes a faux pa, they will abandon ukraine just like they abandon every idea they get.
>you're dealing with pretenders and wannabes, don't be fooled by their disingenuous confidence. It shatters the moment you call them out on their bullshit.

psychological contagion

This. These leftard never finish what they started. They never followed BLM through, they forgot about the kids in cages, they also thought there was some sort of megical tech that will stop the cartel from trafficking humans across the boarder. They've completely abandoned build back better and Travis Scott is now a hero again.

Yeah, sure when you make strawman arguments based on negative left wing stereotypes it seems kinda bad.

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Nice person you just made up in your head, faggot. But anarchists of all flavors are retards who can't explain how their ideal society would actually function, so it's best to ignore them.

what are the positive left-wing stereotypes?

Dont you do the same thing with right wingers? Ironically you posted the chud meme.

Only to the people who exhibit chud characteristics, like OP.

Most of the time those fascists don't actually want less government. They support things like the war on drugs, abortion bans, and are against physician assisted suicide. Regulating what an individual does with their own body sure doesn't sound like less government.
Regardless, I fully believe that an anarcho-syndicalist society would be successful. The political landscape in America has become a fucking farce. Goldwaters choice to move the republican parties focus to identity politics and the culture war has irreparably damaged both parties. The only solution is to burn it down and start over.

American's are educated by the absolute bottom feeders of society. Anyone who is highly skilled or intelligent, goes in Medicine, IT, Entertainment, Finance, etc. Only loosers go into education. As such, Americans are the most poorly educated retards in the developed world. The Average American has no idea what words like Facism, Anarchism, Communism, etc. even mean. Most of them are too fucking retarded to realize we live in a Republic.

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And the average IQ's have been dropping for the last 20 years.

Maybe that means we should pay teachers a rate where we don't have a swathe of retards every generation. Or just wait until we hit full Idiocracy levels.

The fact you stupid cunts polarised any position on any topic into something that was either "left" or "right" is why very few of you make sense. You all double down on bad faith arguments and disingenuous bullshit lest you be ostracised by your peers. You turned being wrong about a topic into something to feel some sort of social shame for instead of being excited to learn something new. No more readily available example can be summoned than criticising either the actions of Biden or Trump; the possiblity of them both being human garbage relegated to fringe politics

Correct, and CNN monetizes the illness.

Based and 'pilled.

>Maybe that means we should pay teachers a rate
You're an idiot if you think compensation is the primary issue.

It’s called psyops

This is a Satanic message meant to mislead lemmings, the trips prove it.

This was always the way America was going to collapse. It was predicted at the foundation. The Federalist Papers, George Washington's Farewell speech, and many other documents warn of this exact problem. It took social media, and corporate news to bring us to the death spiral.

I think you've combined like 59 different archetypes of people into one and assumed they are all one entity that opposes you specifically..

Yeah, they do that.