Any Forums is being raided by Any Forums again

So normally usually has a problem with LGBTQ+ rights being demonstrated in the windows software suite espicially since it's owned by Microsoft so they can chose and have the rights to advocate, however there's multiple threads posted by the same transphobic /pol posters. BTW, for you stallman bigots, the GNU project supports lgbtq+ rights to even stallman too

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You will never be a women.
Your failed raids will never work.
You should stop breathing.
You will never sneed.

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It's really obvious when Any Forums is being raided by Any Forums, Any Forums uses linux and macos. Any Forums uses windows.

As a progressive I'd like to say "this but unironically" but a large chunk of it is indecipherable gibberish. So, this but unironically but only insofar as it has any comprehensible meaning.

So apparently regular old-school tech posters aren’t welcome on Any Forums but electionfags are. Been here 10+ years and it’s never been this bad before.

ok, some men are sucking dicks. no big deal.

but why it is such a big deal though? they have to remind us everywhere that they are sucking dicks.

Not him but I am a pro-trans progressive and I myself frequently sneedpost. This frightens and confuses the Any Forumsfig

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Homophobes made it a big deal first by executing people for being gay

you’re a retard if you think that post is real

Right Click -> Search -> Show Search Icon
you're welcome winbros

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

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Only faggots use Mac unironically, and no real white man should defend (((Windows))). True Any Forums uses Linux and only Linux.

but, no mater the OS, we can all agree that faggots are gay fags

Please refer to these posts:
And please do the world a favor and off yourself, tranny.

>i wish these people who are currently in the process of globally earning the right not to be executed for their personal choices would stop being so unrelentingly celebratory over the fact that they are getting killed less now

Based. They should still be killed. They are in the good parts of the world.

when was that? 1732?

a lot of people have been treated badly in history. why do only faggots get to paint crosswalks and fly flags everywhere to remind us they are sucking dicks?

>Personal choices
Hey faggot, go read up on John Money and see if it's still just personal choices.

>Let's GOOOOO! We're fags and trannies and EVERYONE has to know, ALWAYS, because that's literally my entire personality and i need attention, and they better not complain or get tired of it or i'll say something retarded like "hurr durr you want me executed for being gay????"
what a faggot, why don't (you) make the "personal choice" personal and keep it to yourself? maybe tell your mom if you have to. don't gotta shit up a technology board.

They hate this because it violates the sanctity of the only people in the world who will tolerate or accept them

are you talking about muslims? no you can't be, you don't want to be phobic.

congrats you faggots are bringing muslims into your neighborhood.

Good posts
Didn't read them
>when was that?
2022 in some parts of the world
It's not over til its over
>get to
What do you mean by this?
If you're part of any demographic that's been killed a lot for their membership thereto, and you don't paint crosswalks and fly flags everywhere, that sounds like a (You) problem

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This. In the immortal words of my uncle, "I have nothing against gay people, it's just the way they always want to shove it down your throat."
Homophobe is such a stupid term, nobody is scared of a homo, only that liberal media propaganda and indoctrination might turn their children gay and literally terminate their family bloodline in the process.
Besides if they didn't always try to molest children and spread their degenerate filth as an affront to God and nature itself, perhaps people would have been more inclined to leave them alone. Society at large just humours them now, and no amount of pride flags and drag queen storytimes will ever earn them an iota of respect from normal people, just amplified contempt, disdain and disgust.

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>we are strong and proud
>daddy-state please help, there are people who don't like me here.
>send police or something.
Die, candy ass

what, we should invade Iran?

Good posts, didn't read em

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macs are mega gay and exclusively used by midwits, windows is usable by the cognitive elite and while they would prefer linux recent attacks on linux infrastructure like systemd gayland and gnome/gtk 3 have made desktop linux difficult to justify bothering with

Anyone with a brain cares. Sodomy is a crime against nature and spreads disease. It is unjustifiable and impermissible. Most crimes, as Augustine pointed out, can be justified. These offenses, there is no defense, rhyme or reason.

No, I'm not scared of any faggot. I just think they are gross, shouldn't have right and should be killed on sight.

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you're in good company with niggers then


I didn't read these either
Reminder that discoursetards unironically have no argument against "la la la I can't hear you" except that it's supposedly "childish" and "oh but what if the people you don't respect happen to say something worth hearing" (you won't)

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nope, just a fag letting everyone know he's a special gay snowflake, it has a windows screenshot and mentions Any Forums though so this thread will reach bump limit on the first page and you'll like it
>only quotes posts that disagree with him
>i didn't read it!
kek ok

>If you're part of any demographic that's been killed a lot for their membership thereto, and you don't paint crosswalks and fly flags everywhere, that sounds like a (You) problem
Sounds to me like patriots who fly the flag of their country to celebrate their survival as a nation against every war they've ever been a part of. So is Patriotism and Nationalism supported by trannies now? In my experience they always seem to have a problem with people flying the American flag, something about "muh patriarchy" or "muh slavery", forgive me I'm usually too disgusted to listen properly.

good post, didn't read it
Yes, exactly like patriots. What issue do you take with patriots? (Not like I'll listen.)
>but muh the OTHER progressives said
I'm not the other progressives

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kill yourself you nasty faggot
based and sneedpilled

Notice how it's only troons who care about this shit? Troons and liberal white women.
MS should just cut the pretense and replace the rainbow flag with the tranny flag.

The argument is simple. The act is a perversion, that serves no purpose. Nothing is gained other than hedonism of the participants. Meanwhile it spreads disease, physical deformation/collapse of your shitting organ, and produces nothing of value. It is a waste of time, effort, money. You can justify most other crimes. You cannot justify sodomy.

>Kill yourself you nasty faggot
>based and sneedpilled
Wow that was a lot of words! I don't think I got the chance to read them all before my attention drifted away

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4 chan has always disliked Gay shit user it does not have to be a pol invasion

Retroactively refuted

>"All passions are dishonorable, for the soul is even more damaged and degraded by sin than the body is by disease. But the worst of all passions is lust between men. ... The sins against nature are more problematic and less satisfying, so much so that one cannot even say that they procure pleasure, since true pleasure is only that which is according to nature. But when God abandons a man, everything is turned on its head! Therefore, not only are such [homosexual]passions satanic, but their lives are diabolic ...

>"So, I say to you that they [the homosexuals] are even worse than murderers, and that it would be better to die than to live in such dishonor. A murderer only separates the soul from the body, whereas these [homosexuals] destroy the soul inside the body. ....

>There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more absurd or damaging than this perversity."

St. John Chrysostom (PBUH), In Epistulam ad Romanos 4