Dall E generator

How long do you think it's going to be before someone makes a cheese pizza generator?

Attached: FUibn5uUsAAcqg4.png (629x680, 725.78K)

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It's not going to happen. Legally it will be equivalent to actual CP that children were abused for, so no legit party will do it. CP producers don't care about laws or ethics and will just continue to rape children to get higher-quality results for less effort. Consider how few artists outside of Japan are willing to produce loli and related obviously fictional art; then consider that rather being gray area, this will get you jailed for years and make you an absolute social pariah. The only people who could be willing to work on it prefer to molest children, and the rest of society would rather have pedophiles seek out real material than let them generate harmless fakes.

If your net worth is high enough you can just go to private islands for the real thing.

counterpoint: it will definitely happen but it will be black market software

Why work hard on cutting edge tech if you can instead pay people in poor countries to abuse kids/let you abuse kids that are under their supervision/ownership? Hell, people even straight up buy kidnapped kids. It's the same as with manual labor: Automation only happens if exploiting human workers would be more expensive, and often it isn't, leading to sweatshop work even though a lot of it could easily be automated. I see no reason why it would be better in the case of child exploitation, where there's no regulation to force producers towards using more humane methods (because everything is highly illegal, and even fictional stuff is constantly getting closer to the legal severity of actual child abuse, which only reduces the incentive to go for fictional material over real stuff).

I'm thinking open source poor pedophiles, also this could be used to make ethical CP interestingly

>so no legit party will do it.
Obviously Google or Facebook won't do it, even though they have huge access to training data. What I'm asking, that is to say, the question can be reformulated as, when will the machine learning AI be so far commoditized that anyone can do it, much like you don't need to be a film expert or own a film company to make a video and put it on YouTube.

Is having a -50k dollar net worth considered high enough?

If you actually want the real thing literally go anywhere that is poor enough, that includes Mexico.
If you got the money you can get any pussy you’d want. The younger the pussy the more expensive it becomes. It’s not like this is some sort of a secret. The entire issue with cheese is that it is illegal and rightfully so because it creates the incentives to exploit and abuse children at a massive scale. Punishments are way to harsh in the USA imo but this is a different matter, people freak out over this shit.
If you have this problem, seek help

>If you have this problem, seek help
and get turned in as punishment for trying to refrain from molesting children :^)

But don't worry, after serving your years-long sentence they'll put you into ineffective conversion therapy. If you're serious about not wanting to molest children and would rather have your balls cut off...then nope, get fucked. They won't even give you chemical castration on request even after offending in most jurisdictions. Physical castration is banned pretty much anywhere. And of course even in jurisdictions allowing either option, that's only for convicts. You have to molest a child before society will even consider helping you to not molest children.

The entire system is completely fucked, it's like they're doing everything in their power to make pedophiles more likely to molest children. This is why law should not be based on emotions.

I could easily see in 10 to 20 years there being a "whatever the fuck you can imagine" generator. Something like this is completely legal. Hell pen and paper for example fall under that definition. The biggest concern is where the content gets produced. On what servers. Where is the output now? That's why you see many of these hosts covering their asses by adding filters. How much will change, and I'm not just talking cheese, but in every type of media when these things can be produced locally as opposed to relying on external servers?

>when anyone can do it
Everyone using technology will have a monitoring chip in their brain by then.

It'll be a cold day in hell before adding anything smarter than a pacemaker to my body after seeing what companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Apple have become. Imagine if one of them would have offered some kick ass implant 25 years ago that do what smartphones do now but in your head. I probably would have at least floated the idea. Now imagine giving these companies that kind of a vessel into YOU.

Aside from pedos living rent-free in your head, it'd just amount to realistic 3D drawings of children which are already everywhere if you check Any Forums for an hour or two. So no it won't change anything.

>Something like this is completely legal.
I'm fairly sure this will count as production of child porn. It's just like how a camera may be legal but you still can't photograph a naked child with it. Hell, minors have gotten busted for CP production for taking pictures of themselves.

Either you're a shitty bot or mildly retarded. Parse again what you replied.

An image generator is legal. An image generator specifically for illegal images will not be, nor will illegal output generated by it. "Certain combinations of 0s and 1s are illegal", and the trend is increasingly to persecute the fictional as if real children were abused to make it. We live in a world were people hosting general file sharing sites get prosecuted because users happened to use it for piracy. Do you really think a generator for the worst of thoughtcrimes would be okay in this society?

He said that could be produced locally on your own computer and not on the net, then it depends on the laws where you live so the answer isn't as straightforward as you think.

I'm quite sure production of child pornography is highly illegal even if you keep only a local copy, so it'll only depend on whether generated CP will be considered CP (spoiler: the answer is yes, and it's only a matter of time until the same goes for obviously fictional porn like loli art).

Well said!
>Would this be okay?
It COULD be okay. A lot of beautiful art and ideas could fruit from this technology. But that will be overshadowed by news articles of sick bastards using it for cheesy purposes. Meanwhile the same ones making you afraid of this tech are already using it to exploit you and I.

Koishi is my 2hu waifu.

Made real with Dall E

Attached: touhou koishi komeiji cosplay.png (600x727, 724.57K)

Her Sys(ter)Admin Satori is fine too.

Attached: touhou satori komeiji cosplay.png (596x732, 730.68K)