

Attached: break.png (134x41, 2.21K)

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>that's bad programming practice!

Attached: 1000_F_198660759_wYwyXZwJ5iHRzOTIWXXrirmevKhcdfHQ.jpg (667x1000, 257.96K)

Attached: Move_Fast_and_Break_Things_(14071866872)_(cropped).jpg (545x768, 46.92K)

Quite literally the most based statement; it just works AND makes IT/Compsci trannies seethe at the same time.

Attached: i-have-no-shame.jpg (605x762, 64.42K)

why is break considered bad? I see why goto would be, but break seems clean and readable

This confuses the code monkeys

Probably because it can be hard to follow control flow when in the middle of a big block of code. The real problem is making a big block of code for the counting control flow construct. It should be abstracted to be more concise and readable. Break and continue have their valid uses but poor usage can make them problematic, so just like OOP

what's that font?

In the classic C-style switch statement it's just a bad default

is that pacman code?

Attached: 1625416859266.png (600x600, 268.04K)

Sorry, but I use:
goto _break;

Uncivilized swine.

sudo pacman: Syu;

Made irrelevant with the introduction of Linq.
You do use a language with Linq, right user?

>run the break command
>laptop stops working

Since when has this meme being around?
Break and continue are great for avoiding if-else nesting inside a loop.

check picrel, i think theyre the same, but im not sure. The font is Mononoki

Attached: mononoki.png (585x345, 65.24K)

heh, no wonder i liked it, I already use it, but it seemed a tad narrower.

lmao, pretty based. im not OP btw, they just looked similar

There's basically a small number of retarded spergs pushing it. When you encounter one, it's best to laugh loudly in their face and explain that they will never be a member of the opposite sex, because there's literally no point in engaging with their level of mental retardation.
These same shitlords also tend to object to early return and throwing exceptions. "Filtered by flow control" should be written on their graves.

Literally necessary to prevent fallthrough in my switch statements lol