Microsoft has officially gone too far

Microsoft has officially gone too far.

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tf is this

And you won't do shit. Keep using Windows, faggot.

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What's wrong with the other six threads full of Any Forumsentoomen who can't figure out the two clicks to turn it off?


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>Microsoft has officially gone too far.
why is the faggotry only on the american site?
left german - right american

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Stop reminding me we backed the wrong team in WW2.

Because you didn't win in 45

If you're a domain admin, here's how you fix it for everyone at once:

Download the installer for the .admx files for ”windows 10 November 2021 update v2”, install them, then copy the files from C:\program files (x86)\Microsoft Group Policy\windows 10 November 2021 update v2 (21H2)\policydefinitions to the central store on your domain. Then edit a group policy object Computer Configuration- policies- administrative templates- windows components- search- and disable Allow Search Highlights.

>If you're a domain admin

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Kek, literally the entire technology industry supports it.

and? what are you gonna do about it you cuck? Now take the monkeypox load you goyim.

it’s pride shit that is automatically appearing on Windows user’s search box on the task bar.

why should I have to turn off anything? Shouldn’t it be more reasonable to make the trannies and faggots opt in if they want to celebrate the pozzed load?

You will sit back and take this up the ass like all the rest of the nonsense that Windows users tolerate.

>search box
can't you just use the icon instead? that's how I do it. Alternatively you can just use Windows 11.

you already opted in to eat cum when you installed windows, retard

fuck off cuck. this is a board for real men who control their computing experience. You deserve worse than this shit.

It's not like the entire Linux ecosystem isn't built around worshipping faggots and trannies. Same with macOS. Why is Windows held to a different standard?

No need to click anything, just press the win key and type to search

I have a job that requires me to use windows and office 365. I didn’t opt in to any faggot shit. In fact, I wouldn’t piss on a burning pedofaggot save his life. Honestly, I believe that the only good faggot is a dead faggot.

That sounds even worse than taking it up the ass, kinda because you are with Windows 11.

lmao even
>hurr durr I have strong opinions
>I won't act on them though b-because muh jobs

you'd a fucking cuck you stupid faggot. now eat the bugs and take that pozzed load up your ass. bend over right now.

Maybe they didn't win in '45, but it seems they are the ones who are winning now.

Because I don't have to see anything pride related when using my desktop. If it weren't for videogames and this laotian underwater silkweaving forum I wouldn't even remember that faggots and trannies exist.

>bi flag barely visible
>tranny and other memeflags plastered everywhere

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Nah. You are delusional. I don’t have to do anything you are saying because you are simply wrong. What manner of mental illness equates feeling disgust at a corporate virtue signal as wanting to be fucked in the ass?

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that's right chuds! Trans women are REAL women. windows and linux both belong to an inclusive and trans community, uwu

>morbidly obese white foid from HR notices the image is missing
>get fired

Too bad Gates and Palmer aren't there anymore. They fostered a culture of toxic masculinity that hated women and the gays.