Honest thoughts on high-IQ YouTuber Thunderf00t?

Honest thoughts on high-IQ YouTuber Thunderf00t?

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never actually watched him. was friends with him on facadebook around 10 years ago when i decided to identify as an atheist. from what i remember he's a nice dude.

I heckin' love his series of videos on atheism, but I heckin' hate his series of videos on Elon Musk. All in all I rate him 5/10 updoots

His neck is huge. I'm glad believing in God triggers him and makes his neck veins bulge.

He’s basically the OG Sargon

I don't know why, but listening to atheists talk about Christianity makes me believe in God more to spite them. Not like it matters to them what I believe, but it does. Atheists are the most concerned about the belief systems of specifically Christians, because Muslims would just kill them.

TL:DR, atheists are pussies that go after soft targets.

Has a hate boner for Daddy Musk and thinks that all his rockets won't work even when they've proven themselves 100+ times

Typical mentally retarded & disabled autist that always decide to shut down any idea and never steelman them a single fucking time. I remember some super old stream with him from 2014 when he was going to try and explain to a creationist why he was wrong and why dna works.

He said something like "dna is the plastic of the animal kingdom" or approximately that. Here's the real awkward flaw, he never explained anything past that. Ever since that day i got extremely skeptical, he will gladly suck his own cock before shutting down an idea properly and explaining why in an efficient way.

>solar roadways.
No fucking shit that's a pisspoor idea, but you shut it down at the wear and tear point and not 300 minutes of over explanations.

>same white nigger didn't value independence from the abusive/tyrannical EU.

I'd rather watch breaking taps or NielGreen, at leas that's vastly more impressive.

Meh. 3/10.

He's super smart, though. Smarter than you. Ask him, he'll tell you. Don't ask him, he'll tell you anyway.

No they haven't lmao

Christopher hitchens, Sam Harris, and Richard Dawkins say otherwise. They’ve all denounced Islam as a dangerous, shit religion. Atheism isn’t a movement, personality, or social club. they just find the idea of a god highly unlikely. While there are people who arrange their life around it, they are a loud and obnoxious minority.


Very thorough scientific knowledge. Hates the scammers (and indeed, it includes Elon Musk). Never watched his vids about atheism, for it's a dead horse no one should beat. Another channel is Common Sense Skeptic, very good too, more in depth with Elon Musk's scams.

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Thunderf00t has literally destroyed countless copies of the quran. Doing it once can get you murdered.

Quit talking about shit and running your mouth when you know nothing.

I used to watch him during the height of Anita Sarkisian back in 2012 when the woke shit exploded
Haven’t seen him since he went back to science

That Falcon 9 has flown 146 times. Can't wait for Starship to be the next ship to make Thunderfootinmouth to look like a dribbling retard

The* Falcon 9

The falcon 9 isn't what tunderf00ts videos are about, you fucking imbecile.

And falcon 9 hasn't done ANYTHING that hasn't been done before AND musk had nothing to do with it besides paying actual smart people to do it for him.

Ez a pretty cool gut that doesn't afraid of anything

Hated musk on that hyperloop nonsense of his. Made quite good series on that shit. Remembering that you need the NASA vacuum chamber with 30inch tick concrete walls and than he compares to a few millimeters of aluminium what Musk was planning to do. It was hilarious, litteraly this guy brought me to tears of joy. Ever heard something about that hyperloop btw?.

Most of his videos are interesting. I am of faith personally but he is fun


>believing in God triggers him
It doesn't. It's all just an act.

I love how he roasts Musk and his fanboys

Coping already??

Typical muskrat.

Why does he look like a literal caveman?

sargoy raped him on brexit tho

Kek, except all the "OMG LE BUSTED" videos he put out about the costs of reusable spaceships like Falcon 9. And I can't recall any other ship that can land and reuse orbital class boosters on a ship in the ocean with a turnaround time of a month. No other space launch company can put things into space as quickly and cheaply as SpaceX. Face it Phil, you are a dumbass when it comes to anything other than chemistry.

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>TL:DR, atheists are pussies that go after soft targets.
well said, they are the pic related of all the religions

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I'd like to watch a sand nigger chop his head off after he's gang raped. lol

What happened to Sargon of Akkad?

Looks like an ashkenazi Nazi jew with Neanderthal genetics

Athiesm does not make one intelligent

its certainly a step in the right direction though

Smart guy. Old school youtubers like him and potholer54 are a dying breed but I'm glad that they exist. Still cant understand why he would be friends with Ana (Im fucking better than you) Kasparian. At least the last time I checked

>And I can't recall any other ship that can land and reuse orbital class boosters on a ship in the ocean with a turnaround time of a month.

Another imbecile. SpaceX hasn't done that either, retard.

He's a fucktard that spouts off about shit outside his expertise then pretends it never happened.

Used to watch him back in like 2008. Was pretty good at the time, a little cringe now.

I'm an atheist. But I don't want some smelly looking, white hippie nigger telling me what to think.

Fucking hippie can go fuck his mother.

What is a Youtuber?

Nah. It's simply a religious choice, often made more out of laziness and lack of commitment than any great intelligence.

I say that as an agnostic, the actual choice for intelligent people.