I have a question...

I have a question. My insane father to whom I haven't spoken in years sent me a text message yesterday saying that "he heard from Mary down the block" (in another city, his words not mine) that I am arrested for drug trafficking. He is so fucking retarded betond words. Not only am I the least person to be involved in drug trafficking, but this is a serious offense and I would be in jail right now for good. So I have this urge to call him back qnd tell him how fucking retarded he is and how I'm going to send cops to put him in the loon house, but so far I haven't done anything, I am keeping composed. What do? Do the mature thing and ignore the fool and get brain cancer layer, or call him up, threaten him and dump my venom all over his shit petsonality?

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block his number, op. do not engage. do not engage with crazy people, you won't make them sane, they will make you crazy. block, ignore, go about your day.

I'd keep any response short and to the point. Something like "No, you probably heard wrong" and drop it. Don't acknowledge any baiting or conversation starters.

>I'd keep any response short and to the point.
fuck that. fuck decorum. this achieves literally nothing and being ~tHe ReAsOnAbLe OnE~ to someone accusing you of fucking drug trafficking, only feeds their brainworms.

Text him back and come out as trans

I did block his number, and not spending much time with the crazies is solid advice. But I feel like he is a dangerous individual and I should do something about it. I've always known he's retarded, but accusing people of drug trafficking is a serious offense, it's not just mental retardation any more. That's why I'm asking.

I mean, yeah, obviously, I have to keep short, I don't enjoy talking to him, I won't take long, but how can I solve this problem I'm facing? To be clear, the text message he has sent has no legal value whatsoever. He just said he's heard I was arrested for drug trafficking; short of a retarded insult at my expense, his text is meaningless.


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>But I feel like he is a dangerous individual and I should do something about it
that's not your responsibility or burden to bear. this person is looking for the right buttons to push to provoke you into a reaction. they are not looking for a debate or for a nice chat, this is a !!PAY ATTENTION TO ME!! text. don't fall for it.

like for all you know, what they're claiming - that they were told you'd been arrested for drug trafficking - could be a lie. i don't know you, i don't know your circumstances, i can't see into your soul or anything, but in my view it doesn't matter whether this person is telling the truth or not - you're NC and they're attempting to get your attention. it'll hurt like hell "letting them have the last word" like this, but it'll probably hurt even worse if you let them use this as an excuse to keep pestering you ~out of concern~ or ~because they care about you~.

just my 0.02

I don't really mind giving him some attention, except I do, I wouldn't want to be associated with him in a million years. I repeat, I always knew he was fucking retarded beyond redemption, but never genuinely dangerous. What if I went to the cops? I feel like if I went to the cops, I wouldn't have a case anyway, and I wouldn't accomplish my goal to begin with.

The problem is that he has my number, and what I really want is for him to be afraid to text me ever again. That's what I want. I know that years from now he will text me again, probably asking for old age money or whatever, and I want to be able to tell him "'member back what you accused me of drug trafficking? Why don't you suck a fucking dick now, loser?" and it would be much easier for him to pretend it didn't happen if I don't call him now.

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I'm so confused, OP. Accusing you of drug trafficking is not a serious "offense". If it's wrong it's wrong, wtf. It's like a preschooler that cries to the teacher cause Billy called him a dumbdumbhead. "Well user, are you a dumb dumb head? No? Then why does that offend you?"

Let crazies be crazies, it shouldn't matter what he accuses you of in a text message. Unless his opinion is gonna lead to a police investigation, just ignore him.

>but being the bigger person is overrated
If you can't ignore things you'll always be controlled by them

>What if I went to the cops?
"this sounds like a civil matter" (i.e. "fuck off unless you're literally being murdered, and even then fuck off")

>The problem is that he has my number, and what I really want is for him to be afraid to text me ever again. That's what I want.
i get it, but this is the response he wants. make someone mad, then you're the victim because they're ~overreacting~ and jeez you're being emotional, *you're* the crazy one, etc etc. do not engage. do not engage!!.

>Whelp, if the Jews weren't inferior, then why were they so offended by the Holocaust? Why didn't they just ignore the wretched conditions they had to live in?
It's not like that. It's offensive. That's an inherent problem.

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>It's not like that. It's offensive. That's an inherent problem
why do you care

What? Just tell him he's mistaken and block his number. Or tell him he's got the wrong number and your name is Cathy. Or tell him he's right, what does it matter?

I feel like I have to engage. After all, I may be just as insane as him. But I'll make you a deal. I will post his number here, and you guys can call him, give him hell!

I'm from Romania, so the country code is 004 or +4, so his entire number is

004 0742 516 609

Ok, I promise I won't engage him now. His name is Theodore. Give him hell, you Any Forumsastards.

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I'd say the threat of death is reason to fight back. Is there a threat of death by being called a dumb dumb head? If you don't traffic drugs you don't traffic drugs. Your dad's not a cop and can't arrest you so wtf does his opinion matter? That's a retarded comparison

>borat country

So you're a disappointment to your father who thought you made it in the drug business?

Lmao nice gonna tell him his son is trafficking drugs

Yeah, my poor dad thought I made it into drug trafficking, and here I am, a disappointment, workimg honestly like a "schnook".

Well, my father wants attention, give it to him please!

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This. Block and ignore. Any response will just feed his crazy.

Alright, user, I have decided not to engage, just like I told you before. Instead, I will keep posting his number here on Any Forums, unless it's against the rules, and you guys do what you do best. But, for the record, yes, I am successfully taking your advice not to engage.

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