Explain to me why the lgbt bullshit isn't a cult

Explain to me why the lgbt bullshit isn't a cult.

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It is.

no central figure, for starters. try learning what words mean before you open your mouth.

joe biden

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uhhhh okay.

...no it is...

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most creative response to bait i've ever seen

Because it's a psyop

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Because they are responsible for Coomer Wojak and it's Been a thing in ancient Greece.

Americans and other westerners decided to be horny with it.

this stupid fuck was a semi-decent comedian and johnny depp is a fucking retard. fuck them both.

there are iphone users, and IPHONE users. there are people who happen to use iphones, and there are people who make iphones their entire personalities.

there are LGBT people, and LGBT people that only think about LGBT

Any Forumsumping for TRANS lives MATTER!!!

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Proud trans slut!

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Kiss me user

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Does she pass?

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Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me. I’d fuck me so hard!

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Commie trannie is best trannie!

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user my sides ffs, 10/10 good laugh

since you want to play semantics, you will never be a woman

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