/wdg/ - Web Development General

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - A good starting point to learn about web dev fundamentals
javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
freecodecamp.org - Curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
theodinproject.com - Curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, and either Ruby on Rails / SQL, or Node.js / MongoDB
fullstackopen.com/en/ - Requires you to have basic web dev, db and git knowledge
flexboxfroggy.com/ and cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex/grid in CSS
phptherightway.com/ - A decent PHP resource
phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial

>List of design resources

>All useful documentation in one place

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

We have own website: wdg.one
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Easiest JS framework?



start off with plain javascript so you know what you have the frameworks for.

I found out about coderbyte and their daily challenges. Would having an account there and submitting solutions every day help me fill my portfolio with stuff other than personal projects?

Vanilla.js is pretty comfy

Inconsistent semicolon usage should be punishable by death

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As a typescript noobie, should I learn how to setup my own tsconfig.json, or use some pre-made config?
Also will I be asked about this on the interview?

React, hooks, skip classes

What's wrong with my code? jsfiddle.net/uax32ty4/

Oh I just had to initialize the variable as a string with r = ""
That's silly. I was expecting an empty variable to be empty but apparently it's its own thing

redpill me on oauth, or whatever the preferred way of registration/authentication is these days
what method is most secure and convenient? i'd like users to be able to sign in with Google but also be able to use other emails

Not sure if I should ask here or /sqt/
How do I fit my image container to screen like pic related?
I only know how to do it with 1 img

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There are some basics you will absolutely need to know like setting up your input / output and adding DOM and other libs.

Use flexbox

can i get a junior web dev job with a community college certificate?

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hooks are cancer

I am trying to think of an algorithm solve this game. I can do it just fine on paper but thinking of a function that is going to loop till column 1 is moved to column 3 is another story. The only rule is that you can't have a bigger number sitting on top of a smaller number in the same tower (or array in this case).

Is this a beginner friendly challenge? I feel like I'm too stupid for this but maybe you can give me a tip or something

Attached: file.png (497x609, 36.72K)

what javascript framework or library should i use if i just want to add a couple of dynamic elements to an static website, so far i've tried:

- vue / alpinejs: looks the simplest, but also looks like it would end up being spaguetti code with all the adding weird attributes to html? not convinced

- react: looks good in the general idea, but a bit bad designed and maybe too much for what i need?

- lit: similar to react, but more minimal and better designed. maybe i should use this one? seems to be enough for adding a couple of dynamic elements without SPA shenanigans

- any others? not sure, svelte seems to be also template based and not too clean

I copied it properly from paper this tame. This is the actual shortest solution

Attached: file.png (486x573, 34.6K)

Towers of Hanoi is a classic first year comp sci problem, yeah it's a beginner problem but that assumes you know what recursion or stacks are. If you don't, then yeah the problem will be pretty tough.

Recursion is something you should know though, so maybe do some reading, try some more simple recursive problems and then try towers of hanoi with a recursive solution.