Why don't you just put the fucking game down and get a job, guys...

Why don't you just put the fucking game down and get a job, guys? Do you think one day you're magically gonna float out of your mom's basement into your own house?

What if your parents die? Huh? Then what are you gonna do?

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What happened to your last thread that was the same? No body cares, thats what happened. Fuck off, no body gives fuck one how successful / Full of fail you are. Just go jerk off in a mirror and get the fuck off of B.

I'm not trying to be a showoff. I'm trying to help people like you put the video game away and get a job. It's that simple I'm doing you a favor.

>I'm not trying to be a showoff. I'm trying to help people like you put the video game away and get a job. It's that simple I'm doing you a favor.

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No real argument so you post a picture of a soyjack. Zoomer humor I guess.

Why would I want to? Why should I care about status, money or anything else for that matter? Why is social climbing important to you? Its not at all for me. Why should I care at all? Ive been at this for longer than you have. Its all lies, all of it. Im happy, and I have all I need, why should I pursue anything else? To what end?

Because you are sucking off the tit of your poor parents, either that or you're on welfare. Get a job and stop expecting taxes to feed you you lazy faggot.

>No real argument so you post a picture of a soyjack. Zoomer humor I guess
As opposed to a Pirate's of the Caribbean character? Kek, go watch some more Disney bullshit, my good bitch

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>Because you are sucking off the tit of your poor parents, either that or you're on welfare. Get a job and stop expecting taxes to feed you you lazy faggot.

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Aw, I get it. Ive figured out how to live just as well as you, without slaving, without fellatio on my boss, without feeling like Im being raped by the dick of society every time I wake up earlier than I want to so I can make a rich man who could care less if I died richer for a hero biscuit and a pat on the head and a good boy? You hate me because you resent that I am just as happy as you, minus all the bullshit and slavery to a system that doesnt give fuck one about me. Keep crying bitch nigger, I dont care one tuppeny fuck for you or your useless struggle and game. Utterly superfluous peacocking, so you can feel like less of a used condom for your useless struggle. And all this under the guise of "helping" me see the light. Eat a giant bargeload of goat feces you useless bitch nigger.

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Davy Jones ship is a metaphor for your mothers basement. That's the reason why I post it.
Yes that's you.

I hate you because you live off the tit of hard working people and are too lazy to lift a finger yourself.

Haters gonna hate. WHY SHOULD I CARE??? thats the original point. I will always look down on you and people like you. Feel free to do the same.

>wah I don't want to work for a boss so out of spite I'm going to live off people's scraps
You collect money from the government. That's even more pathetic than sucking cock in an alleyway for money.

Start your own business then if you don't want to work for a boss.

>Davy Jones ship is a metaphor for your mothers basement. That's the reason why I post it.
>no u
Nice cope fagg-o

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OP is trolling, probably has not seen the sun in months why are you taking the bait

I want my teenager out of the basement, but honestly asking what o do if your parents die......i've got about 350K coming my way.

Again, soyjack and no real argument. Even if I did look like that it wouldn't make my words any less valid. You suck the government's tit for money. You are the biggest bitch of the government I've ever seen.

Pretty funny how the people who always complain about the government being bad are the ones who need the government's financial support in order to survive.

Unlike you I don't need the fucking government to live. I'm my own boss.

Kys you fucking faggot

Taxes are retardedly high because of lazy people like you not wanting to work.