Have you ever hit rock bottom?

Have you ever hit rock bottom?

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Mentally yes. On the verge of suicide last summer. Medication is getting me through.

Gaga Gaga goo goo *braaap*

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No, but we are getting there

Have had 2 drug addictions that I've gotten passed. Life really hasn't gotten too much better.

What are you taking? Gabba P?

Drugs or??


Family break up, brief homelessness, and extreme weight gain leading to depression and agoraphoia.

yes it was very rocky

Any Forums IS rock bottom.

In 2013 when I got fired from my dream job. Sat at home playing TF2 and watching nicktoons for half a year straight eating away at my savings until I manned up and got a new albeit shitty job cleaning windows. Now I have my CDL and make almost $100k a year with a family I love. Hang in there fren

I am rock-bottom for many people.

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I'm hitting rock bottom more than my dad used to hit me

can you tell me what cdl means user?

Arguably, I did in 2017, and am still there today.
>spent six years in university
>did an internship at an NGO for one year
>did volunteer work with Japanese transfer students for part of a summer just after finishing summer courses
>*graduate at the end of 2016*
>get rejected from any and all English teaching positions in Japan
>get rejected from all Japan-related jobs abroad and here
>am stuck working six days a week in a freight hub around people who would rather see me under a forklift instead of on one
Adult life is a fucking trap

serene pic

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you gay nigger

You're a nigger

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>there's no way he could possibly know me

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not him but commercial driver’s license retard
he’s now a trucker


I just lost my job. I hope to have a career one day...

thanks user i appreciate it