I dropped 16 tabs of acid 10 minutes ago and its still hasn't kicked in whats going on

I dropped 16 tabs of acid 10 minutes ago and its still hasn't kicked in whats going on.

Also pic is me and my band mates

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i didnt know acid made you brain dead this fast , quick do 10 more hits then make yourself a rootbeer float with draino - hurry now - drink it down so the acid can start working

If you indeed took 16 tabs of lsd at once you are in for a wild ride in another hour or so.

Still i did 2 more nothing

Safe travels, user!

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You gonna die

I'm you.

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lol what do you think it kicks in in under 30 min?

see you in 2 hours bub.


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I hope this is real lul, live-stream your slip into nirvana

and possibly perma tripping

Nothing yet

acid takes 2 hours to kick in

you should be losing the ability to function normally pretty soon

i just did 7 thousands tabs of acid ama

Turn off the lights and keep your eyes closed. You will soon start seeing random shapes and colors and hearing vibrating sounds. Also, don't forget to let at least two water bottles close to you, you'll feel dehidrated

First signs of me starting to trip is when I feel chills across my body and everything I touch feels a little bit weirder. That's my cue to lay down, close my eyes, and listen to some music for the next hour or so.

I want to try acid
Where do i find acid?
I am not a police.

You need at least 10 more to feel anything.

Asuming your tabs are underdosed as fuck (they probably are...) This is going to fuck you up for weeks, seriously. I once did 400ug and felt off for months.

Have a great trip dude