Alright, Any Forums, when I say trans you say rights! Okay, got it? Great, let's go!

Alright, Any Forums, when I say trans you say rights! Okay, got it? Great, let's go!


Attached: transrights.jpg (726x1000, 103.2K)


don't reply anymore

also reddit spacing


Attached: D2BB1465-0900-4698-8E30-8417001C80AA.jpg (920x518, 94.66K)

Stale copypasta.


Attached: Hatsune Miku Trans Rights.jpg (920x743, 250.23K)

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You disgust normal people

How do trans "men" feel having the the softest and most feminine flag on earth? Imagine trying desperately to be a man, knowing deep down you are a fraud, and then being forced to stand a baby blue and vagina colored flags.

Attached: 1280px-Transgender_Pride_flag.svg.png (1280x768, 1.29K)

Trans rights

Attached: asdfmovienerd39.jpg (640x854, 53.67K)

Not really passing, but yes.

>male pattern hair loss

Not all of us can afford the means to completely pass as a girl my dude

then stop trying to be one, simple as.

You don't "try" to be a woman.

tell that to all the trans retards that are trying to be one. They aren't one, so therefore they are trying to be one, but ywnbaw

Attached: 1645167923860.jpg (395x432, 49.23K)

Name a single right trannys are missing? Oh right, there isn't one.

Shut the fuck up you mentally ill cultist. No one gives a fuck about your identity and you will die a man just like you were born one. Do society a favor and kill yourself and get it over with already.

Formers, robots in disguuuuiiiiiiiise

Nice try bigot, trans women are women, you can't bend reality by saying something online.

I heard killing yourself works a lot better. You will never be a woman, cope and seethe you mentally ill cultist. You deserve nothing but a locked padded room.

>Trans right are humans rights

> almost 50% and still climbing...

Gotta be sad knowing youre a minority and the world is rapidly changing and leaving you behind. No matter how hard you fight, you will always lose the battle against SJW's and Marxists, time and time again. If History has proven anything, it's that your side always loses and is currently losing.

Have fun dying maindenless, pussy.

>waaaaaah trans people existing makes me feel threatened I want to keep them in a prison waaaaah
And a good day to you.

Nice try cultist, repeating your cringe lie over and over to yourself will never cure your dysphoria because you will always know that you will never be a woman in the back of your mind.

Kill yourself and join the 41%

That's right, you CAN'T bend reality just by saying something. Saying you're a woman doesn't change your chromosomes.

Being a woman doesn't have anything to do with your chromosomes you fucking imbecile

What part of history did the Marxists win? When they all started to death under Mao? When they all started to death under Stalin? Oh right, it's another one of those lies you keep repeating hoping it might come true one day.

Cope and seethe you closeted faggot. People liked you idiots better when you handed out yellow flowers and called yourselves indigo children.

You will never be a woman and capitalism will always be the best way of life. You are a failure and you don't deserve success.

>Waahh wahhh believe my gender wahh help me perpetuate my mental illness rather than seeking help watch.
Kill themselves.

There is no such thing as a trans person. Not a single human being in history has ever changed sexes and they never will. You can't prove your gender in a lab, and no one believes your cosplay.

Kill yourself before society does it for you.

You really do like to keep talking about me killing myself. How does it feel that you have no power to do it yourself? Trans people exist, we're not going anywhere. Cry about it.