Hi. I am Russian and I support Putin. Any questions?

Hi. I am Russian and I support Putin. Any questions?

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Other urls found in this thread:

bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-60532634?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=622362070ce87e491a0ee2fe&How to get around the BBC block in Russia&2022-03-05T13:17:00.926Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:913fc6a6-f326-4cb8-87de-ac8abbd01e2d&pinned_post_asset_id=622362070ce87e491a0ee2fe&pinned_post_type=share

not really, no

Those ships will soon be joining the others on the bottom.
Weak bait.


Everyone’s gotta support their homeland. You’ve made a choice.

Kek what a pathetic post. You thought you were some hot shit creating this post, expecting people to flood you with replies and memes.
No lol. Time to gas yourself for the very good of mankind, you little subhuman. Oh my God, what a terrible user you are. Ruined this entire board with this dumb post.

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Merriam-Webster's dictionary define degenerate as
>one degraded from the normal moral standard
And moral as
>of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior
if murder is immoral in russian society Putin and his rupporters are degenerates. And because murder is more immoral compares to hypersexualization, Putin is even bigger degenerate than globohomo.
If murder without reason is moral in Russia, russians are subhumans.

I support 50 Cent or how you guys call him in Russia 4 million rubles

Deposit 11000 rubbles in his bank account

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No questions. Just a request, please die asap.

inb4 putin shoots himself in the noggin

btw is putin terminally ill or something, why is he rushing to take ukraine this much?

Arbitrarily supporting your homeland is the deed of a fool. People have brains. They exist to think and make choices. Not for circumstance to think on their behalf.

Post this to all places ordinary Russians are likely to see it:

bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-60532634?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=622362070ce87e491a0ee2fe&How to get around the BBC block in Russia&2022-03-05T13:17:00.926Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:913fc6a6-f326-4cb8-87de-ac8abbd01e2d&pinned_post_asset_id=622362070ce87e491a0ee2fe&pinned_post_type=share

"The Russian authorities have restricted access to BBC websites in Russian and English, as well as other international and independent media, accusing them of circulating "false information" about what is happening in Ukraine.

In response, the BBC said "access to accurate, independent information is a fundamental human right which should not be denied to the people of Russia, millions of whom rely on BBC News every week".

Record numbers of people have read the BBC's Russian language news website since the invasion.

To get around the BBC ban in Russia:

download the Psiphon app from the AppStore or Google Play Store
look for the dedicated BBC site on the Tor Browser which can be found using this URL. Note that this URL only works using the Tor Browser or the Onion Browser (on iPhones)
if access to the apps is restricted then send a blank email to [email protected] or [email protected]. An email will be sent in response with a direct and safe download link
The BBC has also launched two new shortwave frequencies broadcasting World Service English news for four hours a day to Ukraine and parts of Russia:

15735 kHz from 14:00 GMT to 16:00 GMT
5875 kHz from 20:00 GMT to 22:00 GMT"

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supporting your homeland is not same as supporting the government, putin is actively invading a sovereign country, there cannot be any support for that, any who support is also in part criminal, like the nazis and their pathetic dickless supporters, tried in denazification courts, cannot wait for deputinization courts.

I wonder more republics leave russian shitty federation? we need smaller states in world, not big cunts like russia china

What do you think about other western nations mocking you and making your life harder just for being Russian?

Do you believe in Holodomor?

it is not a thing to believe or not, it is a fact you faggot.

>Arbitrarily supporting your homeland is the deed of a fool. People have brains. They exist to think and make choices. Not for circumstance to think on their behalf.
Can you make the same argument when I say I don't support Biden you faggot?

How does it feel to be the baddies?

So like 5 bucks?

I don't understand what you mean, I live fine

Fact Russian government Denies til this very day. Maybe they finally admitted it

Why did the VDV fuck up so much this war? Officers who are overly eager for glory and don't think about risks?

They also venerate the biggest fuck in history Stalin so I mean they're pretty backwards