What's Any Forums answer?

What's Any Forums answer?

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Rolling for one

Rolling for sneed nigger

Krampus vs immortal joe




Annabelle vs edgar the bug



Al Simons, Godzilla, Imhotep, The Borg and Ghost Rider. Pretty sure I'm fucked either way but they may buy my enough time for a quick wank.
Rolling for who kills me.

I’ll start with 98 Maleficent for BJ’s to keep me busy while the others defend me

97 Magneto powerful , and strategic

83 Homelander unstable but powerful af those eyes will split Megathron into pieces

62 Symbiote superpowers go brrrr (even if I’m not the one it fuses with still powerful and agile)

46 Voldemort dark magic to counter all the other supernatural creeps and curses

I just need Wishmaster.
>wish them all to die

well that was easy


Roll in it

Except for the undead or unkillable among them. Oh and the magic users. And the machines.
Phrasing matters with wishes Any Forumsro.

all it takes is someone in the other team to use one wish of wishmaster to kill ya

Caesar Vs Blob

Blob would win

Ihmotep either counters the wish or raises me from the dead. Fuck off wishfucker.

>wish to annihilate absolutely from existence on an atomic, essence and conscious level all the beings on the image


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and now you are Ihmoturd's slave and and trim his sandy asshole for eternity
not a good plan

That would include the Wishmaster. Somehow doubt that would work but hey I got shot to do so I'm out.

Well that's what spawn and night rider are for. One of them frees my soul at the end if by some miracle were not all proper fucked.
