The basedest langs, all in one pic

the basedest langs, all in one pic

>functional bro talking about benefits of functional programming all day
>doesn’t know what a register is
>can’t even write s fizzbuzz

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>OOP bro talking about benefits of OOP all day
>doesn’t know what a monad is
>can’t even write a Y combinator

The little programming languages that could

where the fuck is php

All of these languages suck, with the possible exception of Haskell.

Php created more wealth in the 21st century than bill gates

lisp is cool if you like emacs or learning how concepts work. other than that ive no other reason to use it

Erlang is the only truly good language on this list. Haskell is good for certain tasks like tree transforms, and I hear good things about OCaml, but the rest are shit. Lisp in particular is the programming version of those hideous all-concrete 'brutalist' buildings that big cities like for some reason. The real redpill is to create your own language. Regex derivitives for tokenizing, and a Pratt parser. Then you can do whatever the hell you want.

haskell also sucks unless you use a bunch of GHC extensions

A moan ad is just a custom function composition operator that automatically adds extra functions between the ones you give it. The exact details of how it does this are specified when you define the moan ad.
>But muh mongoloid in the category of endfuckers
Yeah, that's what I just said, can't you read?
Cope. Your language isn't special

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monad on my gonads hnnnnnggg

Repent and go to church.


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idk most of those, but i know lisp so im gonna say based. I will say though, the only actually useful lisps are racket, clojure, and maayyybe common lisp, though my overall opinion on common lisp has been declining due to library choices feeling barren and outdated. also i recently found out about chicken scheme, a scheme implementation that compiles to C, which almost sounds too good to be true. the whole usefulness of C but with comfy lisp syntax, macros, interactive programming, and what looks like a good amount of packages/libraries

nice bait

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Software transactional memory

Racket is incredibly slow and bloated.
Truly the Ruby of Schemes.
I learned it as a first language in high school and thought to myself, holy shit, if this is what programming is like then how does my computer boot in any less than a full minute

procedure and record oriented programming won, get over it

every programming language is a functional programming language in the end

>procedure and record oriented programming won
Pascal have this.

All programing langs compile to asm btw

I genuinely don't understand why you need anything other than C/C++, Bash, and Python.

every computation can be formulated in lambda calculus btw

>Racket is incredibly slow and bloated.
yeah it is, but it has a ton of useful libraries, more than any other lisp. This is a great advantage since most people would rather pick up a language ready to go than a langage that's just fast (just look at JS and Python). Also their documentation is one of the best for any lisp

though written in mustly functional style, all lisps are multiparadigm. you can have mutating state, write in procedural style, and some even have official OOP facilities. Common lisp in particular has CLOS, which pretty much mogs your everyday "oop" languages

You're gonna need more than three fingers for your lisp.