Just be honest with me, is it a good game and worth buying a PS5?

Just be honest with me, is it a good game and worth buying a PS5?

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Dude, ps5's are $1100 on amazon. No game is worth that.

Play it on PC, retard.

Its a good game.
But its literally just a dark souls game.
Idk why people are overhyping it, its far from.perfect.
The coop barely works still and is limiting just the same way as the other games. Also my friends have given up playijg together because no one can stay in the same world for longer than like 5 mins.
its fucking gay.

no game is worth buying a gay ass 5...
play on xbox

No single game is worth buying a console for. Wait until you have at least 5 wicked games before buying.

if you like the soulsborne then yes

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get a pc, it's requirements aren't that far fetched, plus you can pirate it.

How does it fair on PS4?

It's basically DS4 with an amazing world and aspects of Sekiro baked in.

Hecklers at 4:05

works just fine on mine, and yeah, I see no reason to buy any new consoles this generation

its on tpb right now for free

Yes, it's a very good game if you like souls games.
No, not wort buying a shitty console for humongous amounts of cash. Just play on pc

I tried to summon people to help me with the misbegotten warrior/crucible knight fight ( because everyone fucking loved the 2 on 1 fights from the other games, said no one). Out of 30+ different attempt, I managed to get 2 people actually summoned into my world.

You absolutely need to use the password system and have a friend or two to play with you. Otherwise, the game becomes unwinnable after a short while.

Also why the fuck does every boss need to have a 2nd stage, AOE attacks, homing attack, while being spazzy as fuck.

Visually a masterpiece but a fucking chore to play most of the time.

I'm all for piracy but you cant pirate the game, or at least shouldn't. While the vast majority of the messaging system is shit because most of the people that leave messages are counts, you will eventually need to summon other players for the boss fights.

FromSoftware amped the bullshit factor when it comes to the boss fights.

All I want to do is play with my friends and the fucked up summoning your bros to this stupid system l. No mounts, reduces heath potions I mean wtf

>don’t buy a PS just build a PC that can run it decently for maybe the same price.

I’m ashamed you are a PC player.

Tell your friends to fucking parry and you all get good then play together. Me and the bois killed three mini bosses last night no one dropped below half health.

Of course you cant be on mounts. How tf would an invader ever be able to attack you.. And Souls games have always halfed the heals of anyone who joins your world.. These games arent made to play 100% co-op. You just suppose to summon in a friend if you need help with a particular area/boss

you're a fucking idiot. FOr the price of a PS5 he can build a computer with slightly better specs and get access to a wider selection of games.

PC? what a cheap ass faggot.

I'm 8 hours into it. The controls are a bit wonky but I guess that's a feature and they are supposed be like that.

I found a place at the North Liurnia Highway where there's a small battle taking place between 5 soldiers and a dozen ghosts. If you ride just a little past a huge ghost will pop up you can ride off to the left and just watch the battle while still getting collecting runes at a safe distance. It works out to a modest 300runes/minute. Once the big guy is the only one left go back to the glyph and rest and they all respawn.