What new software will be installed in the minds of NPCs in 2023?

What new software will be installed in the minds of NPCs in 2023?

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Don't you just base your opinions off the opposite of what NPC's think?

nah man, he lives in a reality fueled by memes and feelings

Nope. I base them on reality not propaganda. Reality seems to oppose NPC thought. Imagine thinking a man is a woman?

Russia bad. High gas prices good.

>Support these politicians
>Protect self from nasty disease
>Support fight against unprovoked aggressor.

I feel for you considering that there is a lot of group think and kneejerk reaction, OP, but that's the twitter people. IRL it's not like that. So it's a YES from me.

Popularity of an opinion does not make it correct, or wrong. Cuts both ways.

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How is getting vaccinated and supporting Ukraine propaganda?

both things are being heavily pushed by western media
whether it's true or not is irrelevent, it is undeniably propaganda

bro.......seriously ??

dont try to understand trumpazee logic

As oppose to Russian NPC's that have just been mainlining Putin's cock ever since he was elected

Retard alert

Facts aren't propaganda
Good comeback

THIS 100%. Every leftard post is nothing but disingenuous gaslighting over whatever the new shill is.

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actually facts can be propaganda.

Plandemic v2.0 + cyber attack by China and implementation of real ID on the web to keep us "safe".

>facts arent propaganda
Id delet this

Idk bro that sounds like propaganda to me

learn what the word means, you can certainly used real facts for propaganda. propaganda doesn't mean "lies"

Yeah but fuck Russia how about that?

So there's no discussion worth having then. Everything is propaganda

Sure come at me with some Websters dictionary propaganda bro


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>Russiabot seething.

i mean are you even attempting to have a real discourse here or are you too scared of that

What's the point of having a real discourse if everything is propaganda?

If it sounds like common sense it's bad. Mkay.

Probably something about trannies or zoomer faggot teenagers or something.

What difference does it make? It’s all a distraction.

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none because all of us will be dead

You can support Ukraine without supporting trannies retard