Ukrainians BTFO'd once again goys!

Ukrainians BTFO'd once again goys!
You lose.

Translation summary:
>75% of ukranian military potential is depleted (destroyed) and 40% of ukranian land is captured and hold by russian military and they're also conflicting with their own nazi battalion azov which is now out of control

Putin is one man armying the Nazis.

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What is this OP?

Attached: Screenshot_20220304-200126.jpg (720x1280, 132.9K)

not my problem

>azov is out of control

FUCKING KEK. Bunch of glowie funded nazi sadists that resemble the hardcore ISIS which in turn make even the hardest terrorist groups look like teddybears, went rogue. Well I would have never guessed it would happen.....honest.

On Bayraktar wiped out a fucking armoured column, if anyones fuck Igor its you and your potato army

>propaganda trolls
>thinking anybody on Any Forums has any influence on anything
хyй вaм

>t. redditor who's still rooting for the fake "ghost of kiev"

Alright. This document actually appears "verified" by other sources too.

The numbers are way off; if the just of this is genuine, it's been altered.
Even if it were 100% accurate, it isn't that big a victory. It the equivalent of the US attacking Cuba. They may fight like warriors on meth, but in the end the sheer numbers will overwhelm them. It isn't Russia's skill, it's their size. They'll win, but it's nothing to be proud of.

And it's about to get worse.

Attached: ZeLULnsky.jpg (680x576, 67.11K)

Cope. No matter what you say, Russia is winning, Ukraine is losing and you'll have to take care of the refugees.

I made this and I’m very proud of it

Attached: 0AE3A48F-9338-4205-AF92-31476892F9E2.png (370x246, 267.41K)

>They'll win, but it's nothing to be proud of.
winning is winning son. you're not in an anime about chivalry and shit like that

>Ukraine forced to burn more coal after having six reactors stolen. Coal plants need constant refuelling whereas nuclear power plants store several years worth of fuel on site.

so it was a literal shill of the ukranians to cry about a "nuclear disaster". the reactors were scrammed and just being kept cool.

>need everything verified by someone or something I consider verifiable in order to solidify my pathetic miniscule spectrum of reality

Get off the internet Vlad, you've got a war to go lose.

basically. are you retarded or something?

>Cope. No matter what you say, Russia is winning, Ukraine is losing and you'll have to take care of the refugees.

Winning? Not that Russia's economy was anything to write home about before but now? Bwahaha. Winning. Sure kid.

>winning a destroyed shell of a country
>all of the smart, educated people fled to the West
>now have to rebuild destroyed towns
>now have to take care of the elderly, sick and wounded
>now have to rebuild power plants, bridges
>now have to supply doctors, engineers to replace everyone who fled
>now have to keep troops constantly active fighting guerilla resistance for decades to come
Guess you Russians didn't learn from the US quagmire in Afghanistan.

>But muh captured Russian tanks and Russians surrendering en masse!
This makes my day

all that greentext, none relevant in current case.

can you zoomer Ivans just stop seething comrade?

go redeem your robux Ivan

fake and gahy .. keep tryn' Boris