*ruins your linux experience*

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ngl I feel like a virgin when using libreoffice impress

More like Excel but yes.

microsoft office is deprecated now, cope

why? calc works fine, writer also, but pp replacement is really different

Not as fine as Excel though

the only irreplaceable thing I can think of is vba but I'm not sure

I don't even kniw what that is. Powerpoint? If so, I use org with beamer.

because you're an insecure faggot we know

based, but I use org with reveal

>but pp replacement is really different
it's called sex reassignment surgery isn't it?

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why is g so obsessed over troons?

Literally at this point why not just use Google Slides instead of a broken and half implemented version of PowerPoint
Just use a dummy account retard

Use R Studio.

Quit making the same fucking thread about Microsoft products. Is this a bot something?

unfortunately in IT sector there is an inflated, relatively to general population, intensity of transgender personnel that one has to put up with on a daily basis

Microsoft is one of the biggest tech companies in the world and is the exclusive provider of business-related applications. What the fuck are you talking about, why would we NOT talk about Microsoft shit?

I heard the OnlyOffice suite has better compatibility with different generations of MS Office files than MS Office
It works fine on my box and I have a hunch that in most businesses it could be a flawless and reversible drop-in replacement
can any office shitter anons confirm/refute?

Attached: ONLYOFFICE-featured-image.jpg (2560x1440, 735.13K)

why? what is Any Forums's technical opinion?

well cause trannies don't want to be seen in public so they work in IT

impress is good enough for presentations. enjoy your winbloat spyware with ads in the start menu kek.