Sends young white men to go die fighting other young white men without even telling them what is happening

>sends young white men to go die fighting other young white men without even telling them what is happening

Any Forums will defend this

Attached: Eisenhower.jpg (720x405, 25.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

U think Eisenhower didn't learn from his mistakes dude

Any Forums SHOULD defend this. Ukraine has been abusing the people of Donbass very badly for years and they needed help. Ukraine caused this by their years of abuse and now all of Ukraine is going to get help from greedy tyrants who only think of themselves, america,, and the Israelis

Attached: zwlyzeffy79631.jpg (443x929, 108.71K)

Enjoy your worthless currency, slavfren

Let’s assume your not lying even though we know you are. Was the Donbas worth the total destruction of your country?

> Backs a country of Neo-NAZIs
> Gets dubs
> Dubs are 88
> Heil Hitler

The Fuhrer would be proud of you user.

Attached: a52.jpg (312x245, 13.52K)

>sends young white men to go die fighting other young white men without even telling them what is happening

Pic inrelated, talking about zelenski

another ruble has been deposited to your account

oh yes your'e going to de-Nazify a country by shelling Holocaust memorials and sending assassins after the JEWISH president. You're fucking retarded, yeah?

btards on the side of globohomo, banks, big tech, BLM, LGBT.
Sounds about right.

Attached: 1646332812994.jpg (509x605, 58.08K)

wars stupid abd war never changes

Old picture leaked

Attached: 461a39d82102776f675aaf4b5afa82eb.jpg (860x450, 476.72K)

Let's focus on positives like dead Russian soldats.

A picture of Putin's KGB training.

Attached: 9561878-3x2-940x627.jpg (940x627, 87.08K)

wow, thats deep

dead giveaway.
you faggots in St. Petersburg are insufferable.

Meeting an idol

Attached: nintchdbpict0003127815112.png (500x741, 632.61K)

Hijacking the thread for putin memes

Attached: 71d98eb2fd80ad9c.jpg (673x500, 52.87K)

>still thinking the holocaust happened in 2022

Attached: 1645351933866.jpg (1024x849, 70.66K)

>Any Forums will defend this

Speak for yourself. Kikes on both sides are jacking off to yet another war they started where white people kill each other. Kikes ended up with a larger population after WW2 ended, despite their bullshit lies about the holohoax. Know who didn't end up with a larger population? White people.

Better idea: call out the ones responsible.

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