"Linux is actually good''

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freesisters how do we reply to this


I admit that linux is a shitty buggy piece of garbage but everything comes with a price, i refuse to be data cattle for microsoft and apple. Abandoning convenience is necessary to keep your pride, people who cant do this are spineless bitches. They can only brag about the convenience they have because they have forsaken everything else

Linux being bad is based cause it can be all mine and not for normies

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There aren't many free alternatives. I rather use GNOO/Loonix than OpenBSD.

I'm going to say Linux mint is actually good it took my dirt cheap laptop and made it into a workable system.

When you're shit at using Linux so you chalk your incompetence up to it being a buggy piece of garbage
You belong with the rest of the data (nigger) cattle in the Microsoft slaughter house

True. But everything else is worse.

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Hey this is the Linux Mint guy; while I agree with this post I do realize some flavors of Linux are harder than others but OP it's your own goddamn fault for not taking time to learn.


>Oh but user linux doesnt collect data
bullshit how else it afford to be free. "But linux is le kernel" FUCK YOU. THERE IS DEFINITELY TELEMETRY BACKDOORS ADS IN THERE NO I WON'T PROVE IT I CAN'T GET IT TO SHOW UP ON WIRESHARK BUT IT'S OBVIOUSLY IN THERE YOU HAVE TO BE RETARDED TO THINK OTHERWISE. The linux company a bad product and can suck my dick. "Oh but it's not a company! It's not a product!" It doesn't get to decide that. This is a company world, just because you choose to structure your company in the most retarded way possible where you're not paying anyone and have no payroll and no managers and no offices and no customer service, There is NO CUSTOMER SERVICE can you believe this steaming pile of shit, listen fuck you, everything is a company, you don't get to not be a company just because oH iT's FrEe if you put something out there you're beholden to it, non-warranty clause is a fucking meme, we need to make everyone provide warranty for everything they ever make.

Linux isn't good, it's great.

How is it a strawman to say "Linux is actually good"?

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Because no one and nobody says that

OPs a fucking retard, nobody says "Linux" because it's just a kernel, not a complete OS onto itself.

good is a statement about morality
not about function or wellness

OP did not mention kernel though

I'm that haybale and I say that

What? I do admit that i am a social retard and i can't tell if this is bait or not...