European contractor I'm working for remotely requires COVID vaccination...

European contractor I'm working for remotely requires COVID vaccination, otherwise they will deduct around $200 from my salary as a surcharge.

Why are tech companies like this, Any Forums?

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You are stupid if you don't get vaxxed. It takes 10 seconds and its literally free.

That's illegal lmao just sue them

why are you so afraid a tiny needle?
get the vax.

>getting vaccine that doesn't prevent getting the virus and/or spreading it to others, and whose effects are so negligible that there's now a 4th dose.
You can fuck yourselves kek
It's an at-will employment, user.

find another job. the vaxxies will start to drop like flies soon enough, and when they beg you to come back, tell them to literally eat shit, film it and send it to you.

>It's an at-will employment, user.
again, find another job lmao. it's still a developer's market atm, so they're desperate. the retention rate everywhere sucks and only smart companies realize this.

nobody said it would prevent it, moron.
it reduces your chances from dying as opposed to being unvaxxed.

don't bother, it seems like he only knows black and white

Any day now…

Chances of dying from covid is already near zero, why would I want mystery juice injected for something that won't do anything to me?

3 people in my department have died in the last 6 months, all different age ranges. one guy got cancer suddenly, then before he could start chemo, he died. also this:
so fuck you dumb faggot! i'd tell you to kys, but it seems you already did, only slowly and more stupidly

>remote work
>requires vax
defend this, Any Forums

Not an issue if you have strong indian jeans

>nobody said it would prevent it, moron.
actual goldfish memory lmfao. dr fauci himself said the vax prevents it. that was obviously wrong so he then walked it back to "you can't die from covid" and "you can't spread covid", but those were proven false too. so now it's "your chances of death are lessened" because it's impossible to prove that someone would've lived if they had gotten the vax, or that they would've died if they had not gotten the vax. and yet people like who pay zero attention to "scientific updates" (vax less effective than thought) are the ones claiming everyone else is dumb...

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I don't need to because it's not real. Europe isn't a libertarian shithole. If anyone's employer docks their pay for any reason the authorities will pounce on that company like starving mutts.

Vaccines are meant to prevent, read any and i mean ANY fucking book that wasnt published after 2019.
Also 4 doses and people still die from covid even if it have a 0.05% mortality.
Yeah totally not a business eh!

>Why are tech companies like this, Any Forums?
nice try, lying americuck

That's the strange thing I've noticed. I work for a multinational tech company and while American staff have a vax requirement to go to the office, there's no such thing in my European country.

How the fuck did yuros end up with more rights than americans?

This makes sense, user.
>reducing chances of dying of a virus with close to 99% survival rate and this is excluding the fact natural immunity is a thing
And yes Fauci, the CDC, and related stated it would prevent it and would stop transmission. That was the main reason many people got it. You should patch the memory hole, your brain is leaking kek

>Not vaxxed
>Not tested once
>Never used mask
>Never used sanitizing gel or gloves
>Never respected distances
>Never respected lockdown
After 2 and half years of this scamdemic i still hear people who tell me "not vaxxed? Then die!!!" I laugh every time

prevent you from dying yes

Weeds out the schizos.

American employees always had less rights than European ones

You capitalize meme text so there's definitely something wrong with you

based. ill admit i bought into the paranoia in early 2020 and i wore gloves for a week. i had to wear a mask to go grocery shopping till last march because i live in (((leafland))).

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based EU

Then why 4doses vaxxoids are dying from covid? 4 DOSES and you still die

>the vaxxies will start to drop like flies soon enough
were you featured on channel 5 by Andrew callaghan?

That's the best argument you can offer about what i said? You are pathetic