I wanna see how people react to this

i wanna see how people react to this

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wow this is like the joker


yah only it's about trans people this time

what about
>woah i have mental issues
>others tell me, dont, will not help
>people tell me to mutilate myself to fix them
>do it
>does not work
>kill self

mixed up 2nd and 3rd line, but you'll get it

so basically, it was getting surgery that killed them, and not the fuckload of abuse people give trans people before and after?

no? it was the issues they had before the surgery. and some ppl lying to them "cut that off to fix" did not work. being unable to undo the body butchering makes it worse i guess

you should read Foucault’s History of Sexuality I think you’ll enjoy it trans fren

also fuck freud and fuck statistics applied to human behavior

idk i don't think surgery would be so popular if it did nothing for anyone. if someone tells someone to "cut that off to fix" in your words, it's cuz they genuinely believe it'll work.

im not going to say that people dont regret getting suregery cuz that would be a lie
but i think abuse of trans people is a much bigger factor in the suicide rate

If you look up the data. The people who get the surgery have better mental health and lower suicide rates then people who dont. They just have higher suicide rates then the general population with or without surgery.
Pretty expected result honestly.

i should have said, some people regret getting surgery, instead of people

Nigger cope.

thx dud i'll look into that
kia kaha

>it's cuz they genuinely believe it'll work.
well maybe they do, but some years later many notice it didnt. plus the other old issues.. 41%

>but i think abuse of trans people is a much bigger factor in the suicide rate
i dont know about that. some pretty successful low tier porn trannies did get surgery and tried all they could but someday off'd themself. even when they made some cash and had "many" viewers


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ok but cutting your dick off wont fix your mental health.

no other group in history who has experienced actual state sanctioned abuse has suicide numbers as high. blacks at the height of slavery never did, nor do gays, nor do jews. it is only the trans community. there is something to this.

Mutilating your genitals is bad.

You will never be a woman
>off by 3

this and

>idk i don't think surgery would be so popular if it did nothing for anyone
Just world fallacy.

oh please don't base your ideas of trans people off of just porn actors

the point was
>trans person is successful and has fans
>still does 41%

is the idea that popular porn actors don't recieve abuse?


everyone gets some

even if that's all true surely there's a better solution than
"bully them all into suicide until there's none left"
i probably shouldn't assume that's what you want but it seems to be what alot of people want