Black people have to fight the "others" to accept our crown, our skin tone, our hair, our talk, etc...

Black people have to fight the "others" to accept our crown, our skin tone, our hair, our talk, etc. We have never been allowed to just live.

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So true.
I would step in for the fornication part.

Fuck off nigga, you get back what you give out. You commit most of the crimes, deaths and rapes. You get shot by cops because you aint had a dad to slap your black face when you fuck up.

The problem isn't that you've never been allowed to just live, it's that you've never been allowed to just die.
African tribes made war upon your ancestors. Before the White Man came you were just slaughtered off and your women and children were made into rape meat. But the (((White))) Man found a better use for you, as slaves. If they'd just have let you die there would have never been a problem.
Africa is a hellhole of disease, rape, murder and starvation. It is ruled by superstitions followed by grown adults with the intellectual capacities of 7 year old children. The White Man decided to herd you together into mock representations of civilization, which was wholly unnatural to you. The White Man decided to put food in your languishing bellies, which you could not earn for yourselves. As a result Africa is fucking itself into the entire world's oblivion, they just can't stop themselves, like deer without a natural predator. You simply can not and will not stop fucking and shitting out kids faster than you can feed them, and then murdering each other for resources that were never yours in the first place. It didn't have to be that way, we could have just let you die, like you were dying all along.
In the inner cities of the White World you ceaselessly make petty war upon yourselves and murder with abandon, simply because you can. White police try to stop you, to stay your hands and save you from each other in your unending brother-war. But you won't stop, ever. You've never stopped. And you hate and attack the Whites who try to save you. You'd rather be left alone, to kill each other in your own way, to die your own way. But Whites won't just let you die.
Every problem you currently complain of is a result of the beneficent mercies of your betters, who believe you are capable of being a better stock of humanity yourselves when you Can Not Be. That is your damned fate forever and ever.

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Everyone on Any Forums agrees.

This is why rioting and burning down businesses is necessary, along with beating up cops. No one listens when we’re peaceful, so we have to get violent. Black people in America are more oppressed and mistreated than any other race or country in the world.

You know almost everyone on Any Forums is POC, right?

This isn’t old Any Forums, all of old Any Forums has since left or went to Any Forums. We are new Any Forums, and a majority of new Any Forums is POC. New Any Forums fights for change and the equality of the oppressed and we do not except racist shit like you, Cletus. Any Forums fights like hell, almost dying, in protest to protect our oppressed people and get the whites to stfu and give reparation forever and let them know they’re not in charge.

Leave Cletus. Go back to Any Forums. Any Forums isn’t the random board, anymore. We are the change and fight board, and everyone on Any Forums agrees with my statements.

Stop being a filthy nigger and die

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Whites sure love black dick

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Fuck off Any Forums is full of niggs, most are out roaming the streets bangin, or hustling/dealing, niggs mostly dont have a PC, coz they sold their mommas one for crack, AND they're to fucking stupid to use one or type, and those that can and do are just a few weeks away from a bullet for talking shit on Any Forums.. Meet me somewhere motherfucker.

Thats the dregs of the white race that fuck niggers because no sane white man wants a skank like that.

Protip: when you have to virtue signal, it means you have no virtue in reality.

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No one gives a shit about your useless virtue signaling on an anonymous board tranny faggot.

Blacks aren't oppressed, they get their dicks sucked at every point in the system AND still manage to fail and fuck it up. We literally interned the Japanese during WWII and they built their shit back better when they got let out. Blacks get everything handed to them and even have regular folks out simping for them in force, yet they STILL don't have their shit together.

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Reality check:
>If blacks weren't allowed to "just live", they'd be dead. All of them. They most definitely are allowed to live by society at large.
>Facebook found the people who currently receive the most hate speech online are white men (>90%).

The fact is, blacks live in black-run and black-owned Democrat-controlled cities. They fled the south and enslaved themselves BY CHOICE to the Democrat party. They control and run their own fucking neighborhoods. Their representatives are black, and consistently vote for black interests. No one is "holding them down".

Blacks are their own worst enemy, they hold each other down and kill each other en-masse. Black lives definitely don't matter to other blacks, no idea why you need to protest this shit to white liberals, they love sucking black cock. They certainly aren't holding you back, they are practically BEGGING blacks to cuck them and fuck their wives.

Police are even biased in FAVOR of blacks, and try to be gentle with blacks (because they are also POC by majority). Yet Blacks were tricked into burning, looting, and murdering each other cause some black criminals got what was coming to them.

Blacks are wholly responsible for the situation they find themselves in, they just don't want to fix it.

>Mike Brown
Oh, that nigger that fought a cap in his cruiser and charged a cop?

>Don't judge or discriminate people
>Discriminates all white cops


It's because everyone's such a pussy today you can't say black people are just acting like poor people because that's racist, or because slavery, or because systemic racism.

Meanwhile all the white trash in America somehow is in the same position as poor blacks and are doing similar shit yet nobody cares. I guess they're just too lazy to do anything with their lives but poor black people.. SYSTEMIC RACISM!! SLAVERY!! COPS FAULT!! etc etc

It's not just that.. it all comes down to money. If black people made the same amount as whites on average you wouldn't hear about this shit nearly as often. But because they're poor and it can't be their fault then it has to be someone else's fault.

All this energy expended on discussing niggers makes me loathe them even more. Fuck niggers. Fuck their existence. Seriously fuck their race.

seethe harder Ivan