Why do people think horse paste is an effective treatment against covid-19?

Why do people think horse paste is an effective treatment against covid-19?

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A horse will only drink water which is safe for humans to also drink

Ivermectin is used for humans to treat other things, retards on one side think they can safely take horse doses, which they can't. The other side of retards take this as ivermecting being ONLY for horses, and ends up looking retarded as well
Nobody wins, keep worshipping the msm and shut the fuck up

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>He is purposefully vague
I didn't ask if Ivermectin was safe, I asked why people think its an effective treatment for covid-19

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We say that a horse is like a man.

That if a horse is good it is like a man is good,

and that if a horse is bad, is like a man is bad.

And if a horse is hungry is like a man is hungry,

and if a horse is sad is like if a man is sad.

And we say if a horse is happy is like when a man is happy.

We say if a horse is angry is like if man is angry.

We say if a horse walk is like when a man walk,

we say if a horse is old is like when a man is old,

and we say if horse is young is like when a man is young.

And the same we say if a horse is old is like when a man is old.

And if a horse small, is like when a man's small.

And if a horse is dead is like if a man dead.

Also we say if a horse is sleep, goes to sleep like if a man sleep.

And if horse wake if like if man wake,

And if horse ill, is like if a man ill.

If horse have foot is like man have foot.

If horse on the grass is like if a man walk on grass.

We say, if you hit horse it is like if you hit man.

And we say if you kiss horse is like you kiss man.

So we say horse is like man.

Do you understand

There are literally versions made for humans

Your TDS is showing. The shit works, you just can’t acknowledge it because you hate Trump so much. You do know he also gave us the vaccine you wanted to mandate, right?

Why do people think horse paste is an effective treatment against covid-19? That is my question. I wasn't asking whether or not people can be prescribed it

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That is not my question
Nobody mentioned trump, but care to explain how it is effective against covid-19?

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Do you know what it is? It's a de-wormer.
Do you know a worm is? A parasite.
Do you know what they classified coronavirus as? A parasite.
Ivermectin has many versions and it is a critically acclaimed treatment across all forms of mammals and equines.
They got you bro, time to line up for your 15th booster shot.

coronavirus is a virus, not a parasite, you fucking idiot.

They are afraid of the virus. In a desperate search for alternatives to the vaccine that they have been politically obstructed from, they will take anything suggested. The reason for the suggestion doesn't matter, the validity of the treatment doesn't matter. This is the kind of intelligence that buys in to magnetic healing and crystals.

You asked
>Why do people think...
I told you, it's not my problem if you don't want to learn answers fuck off

>it's parasite and I refuse to acknowledge that
ok buddy

>Do you know what they classified coronavirus as? A parasite
Covid is a lot different than a worm. They didnt cure polio and chicken pox with horse de-wormer. Try again brainlet

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Lol exactly! I sell “emf protection” products on facebook to the same crowd of absolute morons. Laughing all the way to the bank.

In England they feed the horses oats, in Scotland the people eat oats.
This is why the English have such fine horses and why the Scottish such fine men

what's the actual difference between a virus and a parasite?

You were being purposefully vague, if you don't want to answer my question and play coy then fuck off

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That was peak Tessa Violet

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>all parasites are worms
there's a brainlet somewhere

>Tessa Violet
I don't even know who that is, im not hip to all the zoomer internet celebrities

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i tried it when I got coronafagus, three days later I was shitting my brains out. felt better after that but it had probably just run its course.

I'm not being vague at all. If a thing is good for a horse it is good for a man, this is wisdom.
Do not act the fool rushing in, the ignorant man delights in his own ignorance.

the average human i.q. is 100. think about that for a minute. that means that half of humanity is actually dumber than that.

Undereducated fucktit.

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>zoomer internet celebrity
She's older than 99% of Any Forums

You've got nothing

because retards would rather listen to 1 loudmouth dipshit on twitter (likely the cunt who just so happens to have investments into said product) than heed advice from literally everyone else

It's a median average which is based on a pseudoscientific belief.

So is that euro fag pewdie pie, still a zoomer internet celebrity

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>Do you know what they classified coronavirus as? A parasite.
you are a lying sack of shit. it's a fucking virus, einstein.