Serious question: why do people always call republicans stupid...

Serious question: why do people always call republicans stupid? I can even my grandparents telling us that only stupid people vote for republicans. What did they do to earn this reputation?

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voted republican

They haven't had a good presidential candidate in living memory

Why is she wearing that?

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Your grandparents were part of a different generation. Back in the 1960's, Democrats were more conservative, and had dudes like JFK, who actually gave a damn about the common American. Round about the early 90's, the Democratic party literally got hijacked and taken over by douchebags and thugs, so the Republicans realized they could absorb the old-school consrervative Democrat constituents by catering to them. In the 1960's, the average working man thought Republicans we're all greedy and self-serving, looking out for only the wealthy, but the tables turned over the years, and the remaining conservative-minded folk really had nowhere to turn after Bill Clinton took over.

You leftist are so indoctrinated its amazing... sheeple... have fun in your echo room...

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Due to their emotions being run mostly on fear, which is easily manipulated.

JFK hated Russians. Democrats hate Russians.

Today, republicans love Russians. Not much has changed.

Like the "pandemic fear" that hooked you eDuCaTeD lefties into literally running for the mUh sCiEnCe vaccine?

Ok have fun in your tranny hate thread

Yes it has.


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Like the "communism" or "shariah law" that's always going to take over america, yet never does.


you write like a fag and you're shits all retarded


Because things never GRADUALLY, SLOWLY AND INCREMENTALLY just sneak-in and takeover over the course of time COMPLETELY UN-NOTICED.


Go back to school, Zoomer boy.

They've been saying that since USSR was founded.

That sounds contrary to the great reset conspiracy theory


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Richest people in the world are republicans. They may vote democrat but when Bazos starts saying he doesn't want unions, doesn't want mail in voting for said unions, doesn't want his taxes to go up, threatens to move locations if taxes do go up, and does an overwhelming amount of fucking over the poors to make money he doesn't sound like a democrat.

For starters, Marxists win arguments by changing the definitions of words. That’s why “conservative”, “republican”, “right-wing” and “capitalist” are all considered the same thing. For reference:
>A conservative wants to conserve. Keep the status quo and don’t let things degrade or get worse
>A Republican believes our government should be a Republic - where a small oligarchy elected from the populous has total authority. Democrats believe our government should be a Democracy - where mob mentality has total authority
>Right-wing refers to the right wing of the Congressional building: the Senate. Here, every state has equal power. A “right-wing” person believes their state should control its own destiny and California shouldn’t be able to tell Alabama what to do. Left-wing refers to the left wing of the Congressional building (the House) where larger states have more power.
>Capitalist refers to someone who believes in private ownership of property

By mincing words Marxists brainwash people. The same way you thought “conservative” meant “Republican”, many people also think “conservative” means “Bible-thumping red neck with a middle school education”

When have right wingers been right about anything?
>flat earth
>antifa súper soldiers funded by soros
>Obama sending everyone to fema death camps
>vax killing everyone


You mean indoctrinated

Trump and Reagan

>a worthless diversity degree from woke college means I'm smarter
because liberals project

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I Dont hate the mentally ill...

>”If you allow gay marriage, soon they’ll be teaching transgenderism in school”
>”Social media is using political correctness as a facade to silence and blacklist people they disagree with”
>”If you pay people not to work it’ll create massive inflation”
>”If Obama lets Russia take Crimea, soon he’ll go after Ukraine”

I said good

>I can even
I can't

decent bait

>>vax killing everyone
almost made it out of that post unscathed :^)

Oops, looks like those liberal arts degrees don’t pay the bills.

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