Be me

>be me
>be femanon
>have fucked up life
>finally get my shit together
>be 23
>baby fever like a mother fucker
>decide i think i want a baby after thinking about it
>go off bc
>fuck around once
>fast forward
>4 days late for my period
>made this thread earlier
>update: i went and pissed on a stick and i am in fact knocked up.

I literally am so freaking the fuck out right now. like i wanted this, but im also going nuts my brain is running a million miles an hour and i have no idea how or when to tell people. like i leterally am afraid to even leave my fucking room rn. I havent talked to my parents all night and ive just laid in bed freaking the fuck out. what should i do Any Forums ?

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You know the rules.

I wish you the best with the baby, that's a lot of responsibility.

anyways, nudes.

Oh hey you again.
You have bipolar disorder or borderline. I'm sure you have ptsd and anxiety like your doctor says you do.
Fyi borderline goes hand in hand with trauma.

Go get an abortion. It's just a pill for Tre first 9 weeks. But you need to get it prescribed. Then treat your illness that is contributing to you thinking "lmao I'm gonna just fuck dudes and take cream pies for the sole purpose of getting pregnant with no foresight and is also causing immeasurable damage elsewhere in my life for shit that doesn't have anything to do with sex" then get your life on track.

Yeah its kyle rittenhouse dads btw I dun have time 4 this

What race is the baby?

I'm dying tho holy

Congratulations, I'm sure you'll make an excellent mother

>inb4 post proof

i only did one but the line was dark af so im pretty sure that means positive af.

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You are going to be a homeless single mom you dumb bitch lol

you should not be having kids. get an abortion.

Its rude too gaslight people in their 20's with "mental health" nonesense. Brain doesn't develop tiill she's 26yo. She's still a child and says, thinks and does childish things.

You sir are rude.

and so do i?

yeah im terrified ngl.

my life already is on track and i dont want an abortion???? ive wanted a baby since i was like 17 why the fuck would i get an abortion you fucking jealous peice of shit tranny.

95% chance it's white. the only guy i fucked off birth control is 100% white. i *did* fuck a black guy before i took my ring out which technically it was within the right timeframe but like the chances i could get pregnant when the ring was still in is like 4% or something insanely small.

i like to think i will but i literally have no fucking idea wtf im doing lol. i havent even told him or my parents yet.

Ah, modern women.

You have a solid 15+ years of prime child bearing life left. Having a child at 23 with little to no security in life is a recipe for disaster. Get an abortion, and don't get pregnant until you are confident you can have a successful life with your child.

OP is the devil

i live with my mom and step dad so i doubt ill be homeless?

why not?

i mean i do have mental health issues but im not bipolar or watever. i just have general anxiety and i guess ptsd from some of the fucked up shit i went through when i was younger but im not like super crazy. i go to therapy once a month, im not suicidal or anything. overall i feel optimistic abt life?

Checked. If you keep it, come back and post preggo nudes.

lol u know women got pregnant before modernity rite lol?

everyones telling me i should get an abortion wtf. 23 isnt even that young lol my mom had me at like 18.

If OP is who i think she is, it's a miracle she didn't get knocked up at 17, and an even bigger miracle that the offspring is in fact caucasian.

this thread is really missing some tits

hey PA. not surprised. so what ya gonna do? single mom it up in poverty?

>why not?
bitch get your shit together before you end up with post partum depression killing the kid or whoring yourself to buy diapers and end up dead in an alley

Doesn't this fat hog already have a kid? Pretty sure ive heard it in the background in her annoying vocaroo posts.

So what are the chances of you being homeless if the baby is a nigger?

care to share your past rumatic information

ummm who do you think i am?

i mean im not surprised really but i kinda am. like i made the choice to go off bc, but i figured it would take a while to get knocked up. i didnt expect the first time i had sex after i took it out to end up preggo.

I dont want to single mom it up. I want to have a relationship with the guy assuming it is who im pretty sure it is.

what the fuck are you even saying u retard. i have a fucking job im not going to whore myself out for anything.

Do you have a discord, preg user? I'm interested in talking with you

just open your legs like a good little slut and let me cum in that pussy too

>I want to have a relationship with the guy assuming it is who im pretty sure it is.
how's that working? sounds like he was a pump and dump.
Also if you are a mom now does that mean you will quit Any Forums?

Not as many without marriage. You literally have the mindset of, oh I'll go get pregnant, it's fine, before you're stable in life. No consideration at all for the life you now have inside of you.

im pretty sure zero regardless. i think my parents will be kinda shocked when i tell them but i dont think theyll be like super pissed. im not 15.

past what nigga

i have a 5 month old. if you have a baby, your life will fully change and you have to dedicate 90% of your time a day to this baby. You wont have time to do the things you normally do. And without a partner support, it's going to be even harder.

>i have a fucking job
not for long you dumb bitch. you're getting fired the moment that belly starts growing.

I hope you make 85k a year cause raising a kid solo is expensive, and money will be the least of your problems. now post a pic or fuck off

mien apologies, i mean turmatic stories

this. you are totally fucked unless you already have some sort of career. also no guy is going to want to touch you or have any sort of relationship with you unless they are also a single parent. also sage in all fields unless you show your tits you dumb fucking skank