BREAKING: Putin approved the use of the twin atomic bombs nicknamed "The Big Bangs" by Russian army generals

BREAKING: Putin approved the use of the twin atomic bombs nicknamed "The Big Bangs" by Russian army generals.
These beauties are already being carried and prepared to be launched in the next 12 hours on Ukrainian lands.

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Kill yourself.

Your thread was shit last time, and it's shit this time. Next time it will be shit, also. With one possible exception. You killing yourself after this thread.

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didn't work first time faggot.
go fuck yourself.

Zoomers will probably fall for that.

Even if this is fake (likely is) there DOES seem to be a fire in the Ukrainian nuclear plant so if they don't put that put in the next couple hours there's gonna be a real bad boom in Ukraine that might also spread over the Russian border.

I disagree, it was a good thread, got a lot of engagement and I made $$$ from it.

What didn't work?

It amazes how Russians are basically still serfs.

How the fuck do you even fight an opponent who is so fatalistic? They will never rise up they'll just die for their Czar like their ancestors for a 1000 years.

Sounds like a scene

its the same in india. You have all these people living in poverty, shitting on the streets etc and they seem happy with it.

It's a modern plant with tons of safety. It won't meltdown.

Like the twin towers, right?

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Fake news.

Russian troll bot, aren't you under sanctions? Fuck off.

1 of my penny's is like 1 and a half of is rubles.
>Russian mail order brides are now buy 1 get 1 free

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oh fuck off

ThankGod! Let's go russia! Shock and awe those cucks!

"These beauties..." as serious news headlines.

The funny thing is a russian would write such a headline.

Based. Ukrainians will be screaming for sure.

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