I'm not insecure or short so I don't even wear a childish ballcap. Hbu?

I'm not insecure or short so I don't even wear a childish ballcap. Hbu?

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I wear a hat most of the time because no one can cut my hair right. sue me

Hatfag detected

Hatfag indeed. Thank you

Well shit. Ill go hatless one day when someone cuts my hair right again

this is still not a thing.



When my girl and I see a hatfag out in public, we both look at eachother and chuckle.

I've been balding since 20+ for 10 years.
I need to do a short buzz cut or something, but i just wear a hat.

Females wear makeup.

right, its everyone elses fault
its not that you have a fucked deformed balding weird head
its every person ever who cut your hair in your lifes fault

I wear a hat because i wear a hard hat all day at work and it looks weird as fuck when I take my hardhat off.

I too can't get a good haircut, so I wear a hat.
I have several hatted friends who are the same.

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>a fucked deformed balding weird head
Hairlet detected.
Grow long or go home

get over yourself faggot. Most insecure one here Im sure. Capping asshat fucker

Never said it was everyone thats cut it. If you read it right jackass

My good barber is actually dead and you sound super retarded now

Hey, man: fuck you.

We'll all get good haircuts and throw our hats in the air one day together then lmfao

WHOA HO HO, we got a working man here!

I do what I want. Like Sage shit heads

My great grandfather reinvented hat-sizing and brought haberdashery into the 20th century.
I inherited my father's hat fortune.
My family business has always been hats.
So you will keep our glorious headwear's name out of your filthy pleb mouth,
if you know what's good for you.

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I just got some of these hot pockets today

>20 replies
>10 posters
Peak fucking samefag. Hope you get skin cancer.

While I don't agree with your stance on hats and think it comes from a place of self loathing more than anything else, J applaud you for returning. Your kind of gumption is what this board needs.