The fuck is everyone doing this weekend besides watching porn and jerking off?

The fuck is everyone doing this weekend besides watching porn and jerking off?

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continuing to drink myself to death probably

fuckin some GILFS

correction: not sure why I said probably. That's 100% what I'm going to do. Got the freezer loaded with 3 handles of ketel one that need to be empty by Monday.

trolling a catholic chatroom and playing terraria.

Fucking gorillas???

catholic boards are so easy to troll
>is it considered premarital sex if someone engages in coitus with a sex doll? asking for a friend

>The fuck is everyone doing this weekend besides watching porn and jerking off?
Pathetic. I'll be jerking off and watching porn this weekend.



No, you summed it up pretty well with those things.

Playing the first Diablo, probably gonna play Elite with my spouse later, take the dogs for a trip to the park. What about you?

Probably re-designing my Animal Crossing island. Applying for jobs. Watching movies. Probably play a little Skyrim.

Mostly trying to learn to live without alcohol in my veins 24/7. I'm doing pretty good, got through the withdrawals last weekend. Now im just in those doldrums where I'm sitting around and I FEEL like I need to do something and that something would normally be get drunk but I'm choosing not to so, its a weird feeling. Like somethings wrong, I need to be doing something (I know, probably should just go for a walk but I hate my neighbors and would be forced to say hi). But then walk where? Then what?

IDK its fucking hard trying to figure out what to do. I hope I find a decent job soon nearby.


same bro

I'm working on getting my garden ready for the spring. I'm going to do the three sister setup: corn, bean, squash.

Three Sister method is a way the Native American's used to grow - The beans use the corn as a trellis, and the squash is a ground cover. It's a highly efficent in space, not to mention beans fix nitrogen in the soil.

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I made a list of things to do that I can only do on Saturdays. Get more protein powder, get my ears cleaned, and shave my pubes they're so fucking long

Some of us work weekends, so other than Saturday night and Sunday morning I'll be out earning a living. Then I'll come home and jerk off.

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>grocery shopping
>going to parents' house to pick up mail
>probably studying some Mandarin and learning Python
not too much else, really. Want to learn the Yang-style 8-form of Tai Chi before Tuesday morning

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first ill sleep for 14 hours when i pass out later cause ive been up over 24 hours. then ill wake up and get some fast food. do some homework. cook filet mingon and fried potatos. smoke weed, play video games. then post here for a few hours before going to sleep again. I want to try and throw meditation in there sometime this weekend. heres a picture of a black girls feet to drive home the point

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I am going to try to talk to women in person that I find out in public after not getting anywhere with dating apps and just being an incel I guess