I fucking hate these NPCs...

I fucking hate these NPCs. I thought I got over my edgy cynical phase in my 20s but the older I get the more contempt I have for humanity.

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Ever try going outside and actually talking to other people??

Yes. My opinion remains unchanged. Many people are mindless drones.

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What would you consider an NPC, user?

Someone who just repeats what "everyone else" is saying. The type of person who thinks popular = good and jump on whatever stupid fad they see around them.

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The only reason why things are current is because the majority agrees with it lmao

Why does popular always equal bad? Tell me. (I'm not actually expecting an answer)

Ok snowflake

>meanwhile he's posting overused memes
...so you mean the average person on this very website...


It doesn't necessarily, but people just follow what is current fad because they're sheep, not because it's necessarily good. I have no respect for people like that, they might as well be a potted plant.

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Well, maybe your cynicism won't go away. Just think about how miserable so many old farts get.

What are your interests or hobbies?

> Why does popular always equal bad?
Reading comprehension isn’t your forte

Outdoor stuff, maps, history, fantasy novels, and various such things. Nothing too special.

It doesn't necessarily. But in some cases, like this one, for something to have popular appeal it has to get rid of all nuance. So take away all history between ukraine and russia, take away all reasons why the west wants to defend ukraine.. and you get a bunch of meaningless fluff that feels good to put as your profile picture.

Popular /= bad but popular often = simple

ever try sharing your interests with other people?

>It doesn't necessarily, but people just follow what is current fad because they're sheep
you're right but breathing is pretty popular too.

Clinging to teenage edginess in lieu an actual personality and real world success, is about as NPC as it gets.
>what do you mean I'm a non player character?
Other, actual, people define you; you don't act; you only react.

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Social conformity is a hell of a drug.

Dude you only think people mindlessly follow things because you never have a connection with a person deep enough to understand their point of view on the things they truly believe. You're not the only person to question the narrative, your just a tool that thinks you're better for doing so, and yet all you have to show for it is tired memes posted on a tired board. End it all you fucking mindlet.

I share my interests with some people. I even know a few people who aren't NPCs, but most are.

I'm not trying to be edgy, I genuinely feel contempt for people who mindlessly follow the mob.

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I've had connections with people deep enough to understand their point of view, but none of them were NPCs. I generally don't even both discussing things with NPCs because I already know everything they think from scanning social media that morning.

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you making this post proves you're one of them
>i support hating people who support the current
>i swear im alone in this and not some preprogrammed retard who browses Any Forums and is totally le free independent thinker
kill yourself, low self-awareness white nigger le rightoid woke dipshit.

>He's a whole 22!

I don't even know what half of these buzzwords mean but I take from this that you're mad and I'm bad. Typically shallow and trivial NPC thinking and rhetoric.

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>kill yourself, low self-awareness white nigger le rightoid woke dipshit.

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You lost one election, get over it

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Even if the mob is mostly wrong, sometimes it's right. Mindlessly adhering to principle, for example to always go against the crowd, is not critical thinking either. I love Bukowski as much as the next nihilistic loon, but even he bought a car and a nice, little house once he got a little cash.

>kill yourself, low self-awareness white nigger le rightoid woke dipshit.

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I'm not American.

Agreed, sometimes the mob is accidentally right. But that's just saying a broken clock is right twice a day. I just wish people would think for themselves.

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What I see are NPCs complaining about other NPCs acting like NPCs.