Is it weird to have a normal friendship with a 15yo being a 25yo? Being mostly about listening her school drama stories...

Is it weird to have a normal friendship with a 15yo being a 25yo? Being mostly about listening her school drama stories, advising her, sharing memes and such, all via social media.

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That depends. Do you know her in person or is it strictly online?
If it's the former, you might get weird looks but as long as you don't try anything there shouldn't be a problem. If it's the latter, it's not weird at all.

Strictly online. We aren't even in the same country.

Yeah, I don't see the problem.
Just don't go asking for nudes or some stupid shit like that.

I'm fine being not in jail

Let's be honest here. There's no chance in hell, through your entire time knowing her, you haven't once thought of her in a sexual way. It's crossed your mind, even if you'll never actually go through with it or even let her know you have.

Also, it shows youre pretty emotionally immature. Shes 10 years younger than you. You shouldnt be relating to her problems. Yeah, you went to high school but you graduated 7 years ago and she's a sophomore.

Also, how did you find this girl. Where online. And what were your initial intentions

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Not at all, ive done what your thinking about and totally worth it.

Depends on your commitment to it, with more being worse.


Not everything has to be sexualized. I know people here find kids attractive but that's not everybody case. Not my case. Can't convince you anyway.

What you may be right is about my "maturity", if that's the right word. Most of my contemporaries have become very serious about life, adulthood and such that they can't take life a bit more chill. But that's not the point (I'm not gonna go around making friends with childrens, just asking for this particular case).

Oh fuck you, not everyone thinks of everyone sexually. I'm not condoning such a friendship but you act like everyone's a pig like you

A 25 year old that found a 15 year old girl online. Hm. Like I said, how did he find her, why was he in a place online that allowed him to find an underage girl, and what was the initial intent.

It's pretty easy to ask speculate this is, or at least started, with sexual intent

no, grooming younger women like that is a smart long term investment. She'll be 20 when you are 30 and will have years of pent up fuck energy for you.

To chat, maybe?

Are you a girl too?


Pretend this situation wasn't online. Pretend it's real life. How often do 25 year olds seek out 15 year olds to chat with

I have a friend I meet when I was 21 and she was 15, we're still friends today (I'm 36 and she's 30). Never had a sexual vibe, just long time internet friends. If you click with someone, stick with them. You seem smart enough not to make it weird, so don't make it weird.

Are you her gay friend?

But it isn't. What's the point of changing what I'm asking?

It doesn't matter what you think and what your intentions are or aren't, most other people will see you as a pedo. That's just the way society is.

If it's strange in real life it's the same online. If her parents were aware of this guy they'd freak.

Weird? Yeah but its still a good thing. People should be there for people. Age is a thing people are excessively concerned with.