Anons i can't tell if i'm a coomer or trans?

anons i can't tell if i'm a coomer or trans?

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try not cooming for longer than a week or two and all the bullshit in your head will suddenly disappear. you can coom again after that as long as you remember how completely coombrained those kinds of thoughts are and dont take them more seriously than a quick coom

but i like cooming.. a lot.. and being perverted and inappropriate.. a lot.. and also i like jerking off.. a lot

i don't want the thoughts to disappear- but sometimes the thoughts make me think i want a big strong daddy to hold me and keep my warm and then let me suck his dick but also i'm wearing panties and a skirt and i'm a pretty girl

but i'm straight and i like girls and tits

thats what im saying though, how long has it been since you took an actual break from cooming, because if its been fucking years of daily coom then you have actually forgotten what your default actual preferences are and need to be reminded.
post-nut clarity gets a hell of a lot less effective after you get that bad

How old are you OP?

Don't die wondering, but if you're having urges to try some gay shit, be tentative and careful, don't just fuck anyone, develop a bit of trust first.

If it's not for you, your dick will still work on girls. If it's for you, funnily enough, your dick will continue to work on girls.

user im kind of in the same boat, im a hardcore coomer and genuinely enjoy jacking off, I've gone weeks where I do it like 3 times a day but normally I at least beat it once per day at night and have also began to question if i am trans because of the amount of trans porn I consume.

I think what happened is that i began at an early age fapping to normie shit but after a decade of normie shit you just get tired of it and go for fucked up shit instead, like traps or hardcore gangr*pe shit. I think you just need to go on nofap for a few weeks just to get some perspective and see if thats really what you want, when i did that I came to realize that my thoughts of being trans were nothing more than a fetish/fantasy.

i dont wanna.. i've always liked cooming since i was young tbf.. i lost my virginity at 14 and since then i've been a very naughty boy.. i know i should probably be put in chastity..

don't worry about that user- i won't have to die wondering :) although the just fuck anyone part i probably should've thought about..

OP youre just someone with faggot thoughts.
Trannies are by default mentally ill. Just having faggot thoughts does not make you a delusional nutter. Oh and having gay thoughts doesnt make you gay either.
You might be bi though or at least into gay fiction..

im not going nofap thats a meme and brainless, i'd rather be a trans coomer and cringe than be nofap

I agree, had thoughts of fucking trannies and then went to go fuck one, came, and realized it wasnt for me. Dont be afraid to experiment OP, just cause you 'think' you may be trans doesnt mean you have to go cut off your dick and take hormones, try it in increments, maybe have gay sex and if it's not for you, no harm done.

i can be trans and not go through reassignment surgery or hormone therapy tho..

you guys i hate to inform you that i'm not a virgin i've had sex with men and women i already know i'm bisexual

see this is the problem here, you coom so much that cant get off to normal shit so you wonder whether you might be trans
imagine your shock when you go through a lengthy transitioning period and keep cooming and realize shortly afterwards that just like regular porn, trans porn has stopped working for you and now you consume even weirder niche midget porn or some shit.
are you going to go get the midget surgery now? what happens after you cant get hard to trans or midgets and now you have to jerk it to retards and amputees?
nofap is full of retarded 'alpha male' larpers. take time off porn and cut yourself off from consuming fetish shit constantly. For one it puts it in perspective, porn is not real life, and for two youll actually enjoy it more if you dont numb yourself to the stuff

i can get off to normal stuff..

So, what makes you think you're trans?

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i like being cute and small and somtimes lately when my cock gets throbby i rub it through my pants and imagine if thats what my pussy would feel like

sometimes i really like girls so much and admire them but sometimes im jealous because they get to be pretty

i like having fets and kinks tho, i've always had them even before porn but porn is a good way to explore

i actually do like some midget porn but no i don't think "oh i want to be a midget" although i do want to fuck one very badly.. but no one said i wanted to get surgery i just said I THINK and even if i was doesn't mean i have to do anything

at the same time i think i'm trans girl but then i saw ass like this and think all i want to do is breed


You can be trans and still top exclusively. I personally like getting fucked by effeminate guys a lot.