You don't need a language server

You don't need a language server.

Attached: language_server.png (567x538, 62.72K)

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Why not? It provides code analysis features that put my obscure lightweight editor on par with bloated industry standard IDEs.

I use vim and my language server integration broke a few months ago. I haven't bothered to fix it and I haven't really missed it.

what the heck is a language server, a worktard tech?

>what the heck is a language server
Did you get lost on your way to any other board?

but I like my documentation literally a click a way on any function and autofill of match statements
just because you are too big of a brainlet to set ut up doesnt mean its bad

>he needs to reference documentation instead of just remembering how his language works
Sounds like you're the brainlet here, brainlet.

I dunno, man. Rust Language Server + VS Code is a pretty comfy combination...

you have to spend time memorizing while I just click the button on the function I use once in a while and know everything I need to know

user, when you need to learn a new framework every fucking year or so, it's kind of pointless to memorize what all of the functions in any given library do.

>when you need to learn a new framework every fucking year or so
Imagine being a frontend "dev"

I just got it running in my text editor, I only use it for C++ because I'm lerning but it's comfy and helps with debugging

Go to definition is all I need, I can implement generic naive shit in my editor if I don't have it, completion is only useful when it comes along with good documentation and off you go.

Common Lisp doesn't need LSP. Interactivity, inspection, hot-reloading, and incremental compilation are all features built-in to the language. None of the LSP garbage I have to use in other languages comes close to the development workflow I get with Emacs and SLY.

Attached: uQexcI6pJav5.jpg (850x1257, 86.22K)

N+M vs N*M you nitwit

> installs bloat in a "lightweight" editor
Congrats, you've just taken the long route to installing VS code. ypp jjj kkk more, fag.

These tits are way too big. She'd look way hotter with a flat chest.

While I agree in principle, do static code comprehension tools like ctags even work with newer languages like rust or javascript?
Can they even handle jump-to-definition in the unlimited depth callback hell that is using modern javascript?

Attached: d-dont look!.png (800x900, 645.59K)

how do you learn it? by referencing it. guarantee if you program for a living you run into some function or another that you cannot immediately recall ever detail of once in a while.

trying to test the dont look image

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