Are open relationships doomed from the start or the best way to ensure a lifelong marriage?

Are open relationships doomed from the start or the best way to ensure a lifelong marriage?

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>because laws currently favor women over men. So long as women have the incentive to fuck over men for financial gain and no risk, marriage means jack shit. No coupling scheme overrides this operating environment.

Incel moment

faggot moment

He's not wrong

>be female
>marry some schmuck who makes more money than you
>he pays for all your expenses
>you don't even have to work
>he's not pulling his weight in the bedroom though
>start seeing your younger boytoy during the day while your husband's at the office
>husband takes care of your financial needs, boyfriend takes care of your sexual needs. As it should be.
>husband finds out, divorces you because for some reason he can't take into account your happiness, the selfish fuck
>take half his shit and half his salary until you remarry
>cruise through a sea of dicks for a few more years until you find the next idiot with a decent paycheck
>rinse and repeat
>spend literally your entire life as a parasite doing whatever the fuck you want with no consequences
There's really no downside to acting this way for women. The system is set up to enable their sociopathy.

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Honestly no matter how good we are to them, No matter how nice we are; we'll always be at their mercy.

They only work if both people are super secure. If a relationship is failing, it *might* help... but if it doesn't you haven't lost anything.

Married gayfag just taking a glance at the front page posts. You got it right. I feel bad for straight guys sometimes, the relationship deck is stacked against them honestly. The laws in place made sense for a time but that time is gone. There really needs to be reform for them in all ways, for men and for women. But it probably won't change for another 10-20 years or so at the earliest sadly. As of right now the court system heavily favors women in paternity court and divorce courts, and it's really not fair whatsoever.

That being said, open relationships aren't doomed and regular relationships aren't doomed. It's all about the people involved and how they make it work. Initially my husband and I were open, then later we closed off mutually and we've been happy both ways. Just changed our relationship with the time. As long as a relationship involves good communication it has a chance.

>Ass for interest

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Based gay man.

Me and the girl I’m seeing are in an open relationship and we’re perfectly happy

Just stating facts and report the science fuckfag. I'd rather not be a doomer, but this is what the science says about our current situation.

85% of divorce is initiated by women and it costs men an average of 7 years of life expectancy. Being single is now proving to be a better path to happiness based on recent studies. Marriage is at an all time low, and divorce is still fucking half of them.

Tinder and hookup culture is fucking everyone's brains to the point where you have no bonding chemicals in your brain left.

Young women don't even see the majority of men, they only see and fuck the top 1% of men now (and complain about them in media). Participation rate in dating is in the shitter.

Also, the path to actually having a lifelong partner requires you maintain a positive balance in your relationship (5:1 ratio) to negative experiences, and 75%+ of Americans can't even keep a balanced checkbook to save their ass, no way they are keeping in the black for a relationship.

Stats from taxes show the average man pays into the system when 18+, while women only take from the system (until they finally pay into the system at retirement ages). Literally everything about government, from laws down to the courts are set up to fuck men over and favor women, tons of documentaries about this shit and no one cares. 60% difference in sentencing between men and women, and BLM burns everything down over 8% from racial differences, yet no one cares about men getting buttfucked.

Any relationship involving a woman is doomed, gayfags have a chance still.

There is no chance for it improving, humans are literally hardwired to be sexist against men. No way in hell are we overcoming that.

Best bet is actually trannies. Ironically their push for rights is really equivalent to MRA in many areas. If all men identify as women the sexism in the system breaks down.


LGBTQ+ has to succeed

All relationships are doomed from the start.

Oh great, a blackpill thread.

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Thanks user! I'd share a beer with ya. Despite my butt, I actually don't come off as a fag most of the time. Actually it was to the point where my sister (my best friend who I can tell anything, most trusted person ever) didn't believe me when I came out until she met my second boyfriend. Not saying that femme men are bad, and I can be femme when the mood strikes. I can't stand pride parades, or any pride type things even. Why anyone is "proud" of their race whatever it may be is beyond me. I'm not proud of being gay, I just ended up being that way. Not proud of being white, it's just how I was born.

>Tldr; don't worry, I won't hit on you if we went to the bar.

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You're a piece of shit, don't even mention open relationship and marriage together. You faggots infiltrate established institutions like the church, rape children, then claim marriage isn't sacred so you can go around butt rape on more children. You sick bastard son of bitch. This is what you faggots do. I don't like you and it's reprehensible what you're trying to discuss by framing it other than you being a predatory homosexual.

Idk man I don't think it's that bad. I think relationships in general have a high probability of failure due a combination of factors like the explosion of the internet in my generation (I'm 30), poor emotional intelligence, and some other shit. This all rolls together and fucks over relationships because they don't communicate. They say what they think will make the partner happy, not what is true. Even think about the simple "where do you wanna go for dinner" question. How many times have you or a friend asked their partner that and then you both say "I don't care" for 45 minutes before settling and neither of you being necessarily excited about your meal. If you just said exactly where you wanted to go and were honest at least one of you would enjoy yourself.

It sounds contrived but literally every family member/friend I have that is in a good loving relationship (mostly family, I don't /do/ "friends" really) have one thing in common; they're good at communication with each other open and honestly. If you can't do that then your relationship will fail. And that's not just for speaking but also for listening. And the current culture has really fucked those skills up for kids.

Divorces still happened before this time frame, but the level we're seeing now is more attributable to lack of communication skills in my observation anyway.

>Tldr; idk relationships can work people just need to be better at talking/listening
>Trying to revive thread with my ass

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You know what, fag. If I like a girl and want a harem I'll throw us a BBQ or something like that and bang her to celebrate.
There is 3 different marriages, church, state, and individual.
You homosexuals try to conflate all the issues. Homos do this to try and normalize pedophiles. The gays reproduce by molesting children. The kids are alienated by the homosexuals as an attempt for them to cut off their support and shame their families. So they target the smallest and weakest one. It's predatory.

>ass for interest


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Looks fun.
Anyway, romantic relationships are like playing wi eh radioactive metal

It definitely can be. My husband is army and is being sent to Poland bc of the stuff going on in Ukraine. I told him (and firmly believe) that if something happens to him I will not date or marry anyone else. Not out of a duty to him or anything, but because it's a minefield I wouldn't want to cross again. I'd just get my ass plowed or play with my toys and call that the closest thing to a romantic relationship id ever want again.

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That’s unpleasant to hear. Hope that he comes back safe. If i am not overstepping boundaries by saying this, you have a nice butt, too.
I don’t think I am in the right mindset for a relationship. I daydream about getting into arguments

Live in a state with home wrecker laws