/wdg/ - Web Development General

> 'green' edition

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP
eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - A good starting point to learn about web dev fundamentals
javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
freecodecamp.org - Curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
theodinproject.com - Curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, and either Ruby on Rails / SQL, or Node.js / MongoDB
fullstackopen.com/en/ - Requires you to have basic web dev, db and git knowledge
flexboxfroggy.com/ and cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex/grid in CSS
phptherightway.com/ - A decent PHP resource
phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial

>List of design resources

>All useful documentation in one place

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

We have own website: wdg.one
Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:
:: my-project-title ::
dev:: user
tools:: node, react, etc
link:: my.website.com
repo:: github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Attached: elonmusk_scum.png (805x803, 1.38M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Well? How do YOU run random python scripts?

sudo python fuckmyass.py

I've been on vacation the past week and a half and have been barely working on my project and I sit down today and barely remember what half of what I wrote does. I wrote comments for nearly everything too but I guess they're garbage

Is it possible to moonlight as a web developer ? Work as an EE during the day and looking to make some extra cash. How bad an idea is it ? Not a noob to programming but web stuff would be new to me.

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How do I make a react app deployd with nginx accessible for all devices on the same home network?


doing god's work
OP's a faggot

this is my config file

http {

include mime.types;

server {
listen 3000;
listen [::]:3000;
root /Users/Greencom/Downloads/ReactProjects/skandikjinn/build;
location / {
try_files $uri /index.html;
passanger_enabled on;

events {


I need ideas for simple api based projects to practice me sum fetchin, and tailwind and jest (just to add something to my empty skill set other than htmlcssjs and react) because all i can think of is getting the data, then displaying it.

Dunno. Just use gitpages if you want to show your shit to your family.

good luck keeping up with the nodejs/graphql/typescript/react/angular + jest mess that front end is these days. I can't imagine doing that on top of EE. maybe EE is effortless?

No, you just have to learn the React ecosystem. But the react ecosystem alone is too wide.

Basically learn:
> Typescript
> React
> Redux Toolkit
> NextJS
> Jest

That's it.

ts/react/redux seems like a lot to pick up in your spare time as an EE though.

never heard of nextJS... it's different from ts?

NextJS is SSR React. The webpage is generated on the server side and sent as HTML to the client which means faster load time and much better SEO (higher ranking on the search result). It's for making hybrid apps. SPAs are bad for SEO (which is why 90% ecommerce apps which need specific metatags and descriptions for searchbots for each product pages aren't SPAs).

With NextJS, you can configure which parts are standalone pages and which are part of an SPA. So you can have a homepage, a services page, a pricing page and a documentation page that is a statically generated standalone page that loads fast and is optimized for search engines, and when the user logs in to access his admin dashboard, then you can serve him an SPA that behaves like a native app.

Watch this 5min video, it's worth it:

Is it possible to pick this all up part time ?
Would it be worth my time or am I spinning my wheels thinking about this ?

NextJS is basically React with some changes. If you're already comfortable with React you will pick NextJS and be up and running in a single day. If you don't know React yet it's useless.

Next is a SSR solution. It's a fullstack framework where you build your backend with Express and where you serve your frontend from your backend like it used to be done with PHP templates but with React and a lot of optimization features.

if you try to delete a port on Any Forums that's not yours it will say that password doesn't match. what is used as the "password" when post is made?

Really wish the idea of tiny libraries and web components were more popular, it would solve the framework hell we have going right now, we have so many 'tech stacks going' that the web dev will be called 'web piller' in a few years.

>project 1 is a searchable movie database that allows you to query for further information on your selected movie like actors, synopsis, date, etc
>project 2 is a pokedex that displays pokemon sprites and attributes by selecting the pokemon from a drop down, alongside a next/prev button beneath to allow searching
>project 3 is a job listing bulletin board placed behind a user authentication that allows filtering based on tech stack

without looking at the work, do these projections sound interesting enough to get an employer to look at me? i seriously dont know wtf kind of projection to make thatll sound interesting enough for someone to click them and see

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I just learnt the basics of web dev with react. What are some good projects to do now so I can start populating my portfolio and start applying for some jr. positions?